How much is the rent for the Xiaolongmen Original Hot Pot Maocai Shop

2024-01-01 22:17:56   Source: Global franchise network   376 people participated
  • Scope of business: Hot pot Maocai
  • Number of stores: 50
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Maocai, as a classic food in Sichuan, is not enough for its spicy and delicious taste. With the rapid development of the catering market, Maocai has begun to go to all parts of the country, bringing consumers different food experiences, and has a good business. Since the establishment of the brand, Xiaolongmen Original Hot Pot Maocai has been committed to bringing affordable Maocai series food to consumers, and has gained qualified reputation and evaluation. How much does the Xiaolongmen original hot pot Maocai shop need and how much is the rent?

 Xiaolongmen Original Hot Pot Maocai Joined

Since the launch of Xiaolongmen Original Hot Pot Maocai, the brand new business model has replaced the traditional Chinese fast food and Maocai single model. Insist on selecting farm characteristic ecological rapeseed oil and one-time bottom of the pot to further ensure the freshness of food materials. Choose authentic materials to bring authentic Maocai food to consumers. Featured technology, standardized production process, reasonable meal mix, no use of any essence and pigment, consumers have a satisfied eating experience here.

After years of experience in the market, Xiaolongmen Original Hot Pot Maocai provides stalls, entrepreneurship stores and standard stores to help more entrepreneurs realize their dreams of becoming rich. Entrepreneurs can choose any store according to their own conditions. Diversified business scenario, long-term operation, improve store sales performance. Stores can be large or small, and 50 square meters can operate catering stores. The development level of each city is different from the location of stores, which will affect the rent of stores. To open such a restaurant in a county-level city, the monthly rent is about 5000 to 10000 yuan. The detailed rent should be analyzed in combination with the actual situation.

 Xiaolongmen Original Hot Pot Maocai

Xiaolongmen Original Hot Pot Maocai purchases fresh dishes every day. The soup is made with fresh big bones. It has a fresh taste, and has an endless aftertaste after eating. Strong product research and development team, in-depth research on the catering market, and constantly supply new products to meet the different dietary needs of diners. The core material package is delivered in a unified way, without chefs' production. It is easy to operate and does not worry about food production.

How much does the Xiaolongmen original hot pot Maocai shop need and how much is the rent? This is a hot pot Maocai brand with high popularity in the market and large sales volume. Flexibility, no regional store location, no matter on the street or in the community business district, there is an endless stream of customers. Brand image design, create a distinctive and personalized brand image, and join in entrepreneurship is a good choice.

  • one thousand three hundred and seventy people Focus on snacks
  • five thousand and eight people Consultation snacks

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