How to join in tandem (detailed process)

2021-07-06 15:39:27   Source: China Franchise Network   4668 people participated
  • Scope of business: snacks
  • Number of stores: 2
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Many people in the catering industry are very interested in joining in the franchise, but they don't know where to start. It's like a headless fly bumping around. Today, I will introduce the detailed process of joining in the franchise:

1. Cooperation consulting

Intended franchisees can adopt Learn about matters related to joining by telephone, online consultation on official website, etc.

2. Field visit

The intended franchisee can go to the store and the company headquarters for field investigation.

3. Sign the contract

After clarifying relevant matters, the intended franchisee shall sign a franchise cooperation contract with the company.

4. Site selection and decoration

The franchisee shall select suitable stores according to its own intention or assisted by site selection consultants, which shall be reviewed by the headquarters. After the store is selected, the decoration construction shall be carried out according to the company's requirements and specifications.

5. Personnel training

The headquarters of the company provides unified practical operation+theoretical training for franchisees.

6. Opening preparation

Franchisees purchase materials and do business with the assistance of the headquarters certificates , personnel recruitment, etc.

7. Subsequent support

The headquarters of the company shall provide corresponding takeout operation, marketing planning, store operation, etc. according to the business information fed back by the franchisees.

Joining Mazi Zhang Chuanchuan, the headquarters will send major Supervise the franchise store to help the franchise store operate smoothly. The headquarters will also provide irregular tour service in the later period to solve various problems in franchise operation.

  • one thousand one hundred and twenty-one people Focus on snacks
  • nine thousand three hundred and forty-eight people Consultation snacks

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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