Can the Pot Grip Three Juice Stewing Pot Join? What are the advantages of joining

2022-09-29 21:47:49   Source: Global franchise network   739 people participated
  • Business Scope: Catering
  • Number of stores: 60
  • Single store investment: 1~5 ten thousand
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The catering industry has always been the focus of entrepreneurs, because people are closely connected with catering every day. To succeed in the catering industry, it is important to choose the right catering brand to join. Guoguyansanzhi Stewed Pot is a popular catering brand among consumers. The Stewed Pot Rice has many advantages, such as no loss of nutrition, affordable prices and so on. It not only easily captured the hearts of many food lovers, but also became a sweet spot in the eyes of entrepreneurs. Can we join in the three juice stewing pot? What are the advantages of joining?

 The pot drags three juice stewing pot to join

Can we join in the Three Juice Stewing Pot

Since its establishment in Wuhan, Hubei Province in 2019, Guoguo Grievous Three Juice Stewed Pot has only experienced two or three years of development, and has established hundreds of cooperative stores nationwide. The number of franchise stores of the brand has been growing, and it is a brand that can join. The company is not very strict with the size of the partner stores. It only needs 10 square meters of stores to open easily, which can reduce a lot of store rent, decoration fees and other costs. Entrepreneurs also do not need to hire more service personnel. Two or three people can open stores easily, reducing labor costs.

 The pot drags the three juice stewing pot

What are the advantages of joining the three juice stewing pot?

1、 Compound operation

The brand provides consumers with a wide range of food types, including braised pot series, braised rice series, golden soup series and snack series. Diners can choose freely according to their taste preferences.

2、 Flexible operation mode

In the process of operation, the brand adopts a combination of online and offline double line operation mode. The way of eating and taking out has brought convenient services for customers and considerable cash receipts for stores.

3、 Simple store location

Store location is a very important thing. Generally, stores can be easily opened in areas with good traffic, such as near schools, snack streets or food streets.

Can we join in the three juice stewing pot? What are the advantages of joining? The above introduction is the answer to this question. In the process of making delicious food, people only need to wait for two or three minutes to easily taste their favorite food flavor, so the turnover rate of the store is better improved.

  • one thousand three hundred and seventy people Focus on snacks
  • five thousand and eight people Consultation snacks

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