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Current location: Xianning Tourism Website > Xianning Tourist Attractions >Sun Stream Drifting
 Sun Stream Drifting

Sun Stream Drifting

Sun Stream Drifting is located in Qingshan Village, Xiapu Town, at the foot of Sun Mountain, Tongshan County, 1380 meters above sea level. The scenic spot has convenient transportation, only 120 kilometers away from Wuhan City, adjacent to the famous summer resort Jiugong Mountain; The drifting river is about 5 kilometers long [View details]

Types of attractions: drift  

Opening Hours: 13:30 at ordinary times; 09:00 and 13:00 on weekends

Address of tourist attractions: Tongshan County, Xianning City, Hubei Province consult a map

Sun Stream Rafting Ticket Reservation

Tickets/travel agencies
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Nominal price
Landscape price