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      Xiangshui: polish the background to make civilization the most beautiful scenery

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    2020-05-22 09:21:00    Source: China Jiangsu Network    Author: Hu Shijun, Xu Fuyuan   

    After uprooting, the environment becomes much cleaner. " On May 15, when it was mentioned that the business sheds built randomly in the old furniture market for nearly 20 years had been cleared and demolished according to law, the surrounding residents on the west side of Shuangyuan Bridge in Xiangshui County, Yancheng City were very happy.

    Since this year, the Xiangshui County Party Committee and the Xiangshui County Government have attached great importance to the management of urban construction, focusing on the smooth resumption of projects such as the Citizen Service Center, the Culture and Arts Center, and the National Fitness Center. A number of livelihood projects such as Chengnan Senior High School and Chengnan Primary School have been implemented, and a number of road reconstruction in the county has been accelerated. At the same time, efforts have been made to improve the city appearance and order and comprehensively improve the rural environment, Lay a good foundation for building a provincial civilized city.

    On May 16, at the critical moment of striving for the "double victory" of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, the county held a mobilization meeting for the county to build a provincial civilized city. Gu Yunling, Deputy Mayor of Yancheng City and Secretary of Xiangshui County Party Committee, issued a mobilization order at the meeting, requiring the whole county to continue to carry forward the work style of not being afraid of hardship, not being afraid of hardship, and continuous fighting, to extend the hard work, tenacity, and tenacity forged in the fight against the epidemic to the provincial work of building a civilized city, to resolutely win the battle of building a civilized city, and to speed up the construction of "four new Xiangshui" Make new and greater contributions.

    "Compacting responsibilities layer by layer, strengthening supervision and assessment, improving the long-term mechanism, focusing on improving the systematic thinking and organizational degree of the creation work, the whole county cooperates and cooperates closely, and condenses the strong joint force of full mobilization, full participation, and full sprint." The relevant person in charge of Xiangshui County Civilization Office introduced.

    Promote comprehensive urban governance with "embroidery skills", and deepen refined management into the "bone marrow" of the city. The county vigorously carried out the rectification of the negative list of "ten no's" in urban management. In combination with the epidemic prevention and control work, it fully mobilized government officials, unit workers, and the general public to carry out a health sweeping, conscientiously paid attention to the environmental health of office places, community communities, shopping malls and supermarkets, back streets and alleys, and urban and rural junction areas, cleaned up the dead corners of health, cleared up the piles of garbage, and solidly promoted the classified treatment of garbage, Continuously improve the urban living environment and comprehensively enhance the overall image of the city.

    Create a civilized city and strive to be a civilized person. In recent days, Xiangshui Red Cross Society has organized a large number of volunteers to take to the streets, actively and enthusiastically distributed leaflets to the passing masses, patiently explained the theme content related to creative writing, convenient services, etc., guided the general public to further understand and participate in volunteer services, improved the awareness rate and participation rate of creative writing, and helped clean up the white garbage and hidden garbage along the main roads and auxiliary roads, Persuade uncivilized behaviors, etc., and contribute to the construction of provincial civilized cities.

    "Civilized Xiangshui is my home, and civilization depends on everyone." Gao Shuibao, deputy head of Xiangshui Red Cross volunteer service team, said that they focused on promoting civilized persuasion, civilized travel, traffic management, front door civilization, sanitation and cleaning, and hoped to drive more people to participate in the volunteer service activities to create a civilized city in the province, Boost the cultural creation work to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

    Civilization has no end and creation has no end. "Hurry up, everyone." On May 15, on the road of Wuhe Neighborhood Committee in Xiangshui Town, Xiangshui County, Wang Baolian, a party member, was leading the residents to clean up the garbage, uproot the roadside weeds, and level the green belt. Under his leadership, everyone was full of energy, and soon cleaned up the contracted area.

    Xiangshui Town, as a Chengguan Town, gives full play to the leading role of grass-roots party organizations and the "head goose" effect of party members and cadres, promotes the improvement of the village environment from point to area, and drives the masses to actively participate in the improvement of the living environment through party members taking the lead in revealing their identity, fulfilling their commitments, and striving for the vanguard. A vivid situation has been formed in the whole town where party members and cadres take the lead, the masses participate in the work, and the society works together, Vigorously promote the continuous improvement of village appearance and customs.

    Everyone strives to be the "first responsible person" for the "four guarantees" in front of each house. On May 17, Lin Yaohua, a resident of Yunxi Village, Yunhe Town, Xiangshui County, began to clean his house early. "The greening and sanitation in front of the village is contracted by us. We guarantee to plant one tree in the field and keep one tree alive. Every day we have to clean up the house and outside the house." Lin Yaohua said that a star rated "Four Guarantees" civilized and sanitary household sign was posted beside each gate of the village. The minimum is three stars, the maximum is five stars. His family is a five-star "Four Guarantees" civilized and sanitary household, and their whole family cherishes this honor.

    A wall, after careful decoration, becomes a civilized propaganda carrier with pictures and words. Nowadays, in the vast countryside of Xiangshui, the cultural wall has become a cultural phenomenon and a civilized fashion. On May 16, at the roadside of Xiaoguang Village, Xiaojian Town, the county, we saw that the village was full of flowers and vitality. Under the wall decoration of ink painting style, the villagers were leisurely drinking tea and chatting. The village was more beautiful against the background of wall paintings.

    The "talking wall" makes the beautiful countryside more meaningful and civilized. "After drawing pictures and slogans on the white wall, they are both beautiful and educational, and we will try our best to do as required by these slogans," said Chen Jingwei, a villager in the village. "Look at the wall and talk" has become an effective way to guide the majority of farmers in the county to practice the socialist core values, improve the villagers' civilization and promote the revitalization of rural culture.

    "What we are striving for is responsibility and drive, rather than precision and dedication." When the creation of a provincial civilized city has entered the stage of full sprint, Guo Chao, the county head of Xiangshui County People's Government, said that at present, the county will focus its energy, plunge into the body, overcome difficulties, and promote the construction work with high quality, so as to ensure a new round of provincial civilized city as scheduled.

    Editor in charge: Yancheng Xiangshui Civilization Office

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