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2024 Xi'an Yanta District Dongyi Road Primary School Teacher Recruitment Announcement

2024-05-24 11:24:20 |Source: Xi'an Yanta District Dongyi Road Primary School

01. School Profile

Xi'an Yanta District Dongyi Road Primary School, located at No. 9 Dongyi Road, Yanta District, was founded in 1959 and is a public school of Yanta District Government.

The school covers an area of 13867 ㎡, with a building area of 6325 ㎡ and a playground area of 6620 ㎡. The school has 31 teaching classes and 1511 students. It is a connotative school with beautiful environment, excellent facilities, excellent team, rich education and high-quality teaching.

Adhering to the school motto of "learning etiquette to establish morality and understanding morality", the school takes "striving to be a Dongyi person who understands morality" as the starting point of civilized etiquette education, takes "etiquette" culture as the main line, relies on traditional Chinese culture, and focuses on excellent poetry and classics of traditional Chinese culture, highlighting the Dongyi campus culture cultivated by civilized etiquette and good habits.

According to the needs of the school's education and teaching development, it is proposed to employ several teachers, and sincerely invite outstanding talents with dedication, physical and mental health, and outstanding education and teaching ability to join us.

02. Recruitment Position

Chinese teacher, mathematics teacher, physical education teacher, art teacher (can also serve as art and music class, mainly art)

03. Recruitment conditions

Basic conditions

1. Love education, have a sense of responsibility, love, ambition, teamwork, innovation and dedication, and have a noble character.

2. Have a sense of collective honor, coordination and communication ability and strong learning ability.

3. dignified appearance, proper behavior, good health and temperament.

4. Mandarin is standard, and classroom teaching is full of passion and appeal, which can inspire children's thinking and has affinity.

5. Abide by laws and disciplines, be upright in conduct, and have no violations of laws and disciplines.


Bachelor degree or above from a normal university, major in education, and have a teacher qualification certificate corresponding to the subject applied for.


With the title of teacher at or above the primary school level, more than 5 years of primary education and teaching experience, provincial, municipal, district and county level teaching experts, backbone teachers, excellent head teachers, and famous teachers, the conditions for outstanding performance can be appropriately relaxed, and priority can be given to employment.

04. Application process

one Candidate before June 30, 2024 , make the scanned copies of all certificates into PDF files, and send them to , the e-mail is named as: discipline+name+contact information.

Note: Certificates include academic certificate, degree certificate, teacher qualification certificate, Mandarin level certificate, award certificate, honorary certificate, etc.

2. Those who pass the preliminary review of materials will be notified to attend the interview and participate in the assessment of classroom teaching. The interview time will be notified separately. Teachers who receive the interview notice should bring their own ID cards, academic certificates, degree certificates, teacher qualification certificates, Mandarin level certificates, and other original certificates of award and honor.

05. Contact Information

Tel: 89195183-806 (Mr. Lei/Mr. Han)

Address: Dongyi Road Primary School, Yanta District, Xi'an (including the intersection of Guanglu Road and Yannan 2nd Road)

WeChat official account: Dongyi Road Primary School, Yanta District, Xi'an


Dongyi Road Primary School Teaching Office

May 2024

Original title: [Dongyi Road Primary School] 2024 Recruitment Announcement of Dongyi Road Primary School Teachers



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