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Conclusive type of possible reasoning questions in recruitment examination of Bank of Shaanxi

2023-08-28 09:19:00 |Source: Shaanxi Zhonggong Education

In line test subjects, judgment and reasoning have always been presented as key questions in the exam. As we all know, the judgment and reasoning part is a difficult part of the judgment and reasoning. The difficulty is that there are too many and fragmentary knowledge points, including both necessary reasoning and possible reasoning. Today's public education gives an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of the concluding questions in the three subtopics of possible reasoning except for the key strengthening and weakening questions, and explains in detail the skills and precautions in doing the questions.

1、 Characteristics of Concluding Questions

Conclusion type questions are quite different from other weakening and strengthening type questions. It belongs to a small question type and is easy to be ignored. Fundamentally, the conclusion type questions do not need to weaken or strengthen the stem phenomenon. It is mainly based on the whole stem to see whether the options can be inferred from the stem.

So how to quickly distinguish between conclusion type questions and reinforcement type questions?

You can start with the question method of conclusion type questions. The question method of the conclusion type question is very characteristic. Generally, there will be symbolic words: push, get, know, infer. Generally, if you see these words in the question method, you can judge that the question belongs to the conclusion type.

2、 Solutions to Conclusive Questions

The solution of the conclusion type questions needs to be clear: read through the question stem to grasp the general idea; Analyze the options and locate the question stem. When reading the question stem, be sensitive to some special places that are easy to set options, and pay attention to absolute language, such as scope absolutization and statement absolutization; Pay attention to figures, proportion, total amount, etc; Pay attention to tense and voice. These points may help us quickly select the appropriate options.

3、 Principle of solving conclusion type questions

1. Rigorous and objective (with the original text as the core): Rigorous and objective means that the selected conclusion must be able to be inferred from the stem information, and cannot be subjective.

2. From the weak principle (preference is given to the option with weak tone): The weak principle means that the option of summary and prediction should not be too absolute to ensure the rationality of the conclusion.

4、 Detailed explanation of examples


Some mammalian teeth have obvious traces of "growth rings" - from the accumulation of opaque cementum deposits formed in summer and translucent cementum deposits formed in winter. The cross section of pig teeth found in the excavation of a Stone Age site shows that, except for the outermost layer, all other layers of "growth rings" have surprisingly similar widths. The outermost layer is about half the width of the other layers, and it is translucent.

The above discussion strongly supports which of the following conclusions about the death of these animals?

A. Died in an abnormal early winter

B. About the same age

C. Died in the middle of a winter

D. Died in a natural disaster

[Chinese public resolution] The answer is C. Tooth rings reflect seasonal changes, and it is found that the outermost layer of the ring of pig teeth in the Stone Age was abnormal. If the pig died in the early winter, according to the question stem, the teeth reflect that the winter growth ring should have just appeared, and will not reach half the thickness of other layers, so A is excluded; There is no description about the equal number of tree ring layers of all animal teeth in the question stem, so B cannot be deduced; The outermost winter characteristic ring of the tooth is equal to half the width of other layers, indicating that C is correct when the last winter is half over; The natural disasters mentioned by D are not involved, so they are excluded.

Conclusion type questions are not difficult. I hope you can study hard and master them skillfully. In the process of doing this kind of topic, we must pay attention to respecting the original text, choose the best option from the weak principle, and hope that the above content will help everyone.


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