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The Hidden "Checkpoint" of Hidden Keynote Viewpoint Questions in Bank of Shaanxi Examination (I)

2023-08-28 09:07:19 |Source: Shaanxi Zhonggong Education

Hello, everyone. When doing the topic of the main idea of the travel test, we can directly find out that a sentence is the key point in some topics. In some topics, because there is no content specially emphasized, what we need to do is to summarize the topic stem or extract the common features of the topic. However, there is one kind of topic that is too difficult for us to deal with carefully, that is, the topic of invisible theme. Today, China Public Education will introduce to you the characteristics of invisible theme and how to do it.

First, I'll give you a question. Please give us your answer:

Xiao Ming told the teacher that he had problems with unfinished questions during the exam. If the teacher said:

A. Okay, I see

B. Help Xiao Ming solve the problem

Maybe many students will choose option B without hesitation. This example is to illustrate the internal logic of the invisible theme. If there is a problem in the question stem, we must not only explain the problem, but also solve it. Let's look at the first question first.



At present, although the floating population has entered the city to work and live, it has not really integrated into the urban society. The institutional isolation has objectively strengthened the geographical, rural and kinship relations of the population, intensified social differentiation, and a new dual structure has emerged in the city. In some cities, the floating population is inversely linked to the registered population, and there is a conflict of economic interests between the migrant population and the local population, which is very likely to stimulate social conflicts. Long term separation of family members of floating population has caused problems such as dereliction of custody of children, lack of emotion, unstable marriage, left behind elderly people and women being violated, affecting family happiness and social stability.

The above paragraph is intended to explain:

A. Institutional isolation makes it impossible for floating population to integrate into urban society

B. The entry of floating population will lead to a dual structure within the city

C. Let the floating population really integrate into the city, and the society will be stable and stable for a long time

D. Solving the problem of family members separation of floating population is the key to the disintegration of the urban dual structure

[Chinese public resolution] C. The article first puts forward the current situation that the floating population has not really integrated into the urban society, and then explains the negative impact of the current situation of "not really integrated into the urban society" on social stability from the three aspects of social problems: the new dual structure caused by institutional isolation, the contradiction between floating population and urban population, and the separation of floating population and family members. Therefore, the passage is intended to explain that only by integrating the floating population into the city can social stability be guaranteed. Item C is consistent with it, which is the correct answer.


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(Editor in charge: sfy76255)

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