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Rural children's path from failing the college entrance examination to success

2010-09-13 09:21 Source: Zhengzhou Beida Qingniao

He is the child of an ordinary family in Xuchang City, and his parents are blue collar workers working in the front line. Although he is the only child in his family, he does not enjoy the treatment that the "noble only child" can enjoy. All the hopes of the family are pinned on him. All the parents do is to make him become a leader in the future, and he does not disappoint his parents, He succeeded! Now let's ask Xiao Tao (not his real name) to tell us how he went from failing in the college entrance examination to success step by step!
When I was in high school, my parents chose the best sports school for me to go to school in order to make me become a talent earlier. Maybe I could join the National Youth League in the future. In that case, I would have an iron job for my whole life. I listened to my parents' arrangement and entered the sports school with confidence, thinking, As a student of a sports school, I will certainly have great advantages in the college entrance examination. Who knows, in the daily physical exercise, every muscle of me is pulled to the heart and the lungs, and every bone joint is worn to sleep at night. I thought it was just running on the playground and playing football on the football field, but the truth is so cruel that I can't bear the pain, but I don't want to disappoint my parents, so I had to take the college entrance exam, As you can imagine, I failed completely in the exam. My parents and friends looked at me strangely and scolded me, but I couldn't answer them. Now I was completely confused. Whether to go south to work with my partners in the village or choose to re study, after several days of deliberation and discussion with my parents, I decided to do what I wanted because I had been obsessed with computers since I was in high school, and I wanted to learn computer knowledge, Because I am interested and have a certain foundation, I believe I can learn it well!
My parents want me to go to a good school Computer School Even more painstakingly, they found many computer schools in the province for me. Finally, after a series of thinking and suggestions from friends, we finally chose Zhengzhou Xiangtian Carrier Pigeon Computer Training school. When I first arrived at school, my family was very worried about me. They were afraid that I would be hot for three minutes, that I would not learn, that I would lose my job, and that I would. However, when I really integrated into the training center, my parents realized that all their concerns were superfluous. The training here is different from the traditional IT education and training. Everything is an enterprise management model, and it is also a project based learning method. I have been trained unprecedentedly in both professional skills and professional quality. Speech contests and debate contests have improved my communication and expression skills, project practice has improved my hands-on skills, and the organization of class activities has exercised my coordination ability. Finally, after nearly two years of learning, near graduation, the simulated interview organized by the Center has allowed me to accumulate rich interview experience. When everything is ready, employment is a natural thing.
The teacher from the Employment Department of the Center accompanied me to the Shanghai Employment Base. For a 19-year-old young man, I didn't know how to adapt to the big city of Shanghai without the help and guidance of the teacher in Shanghai. The next interview was also very smooth. Fortunately, I was finally accepted by a PPS company in Shanghai as a system safety engineer. After I got acquainted with my colleagues in the company, I found that they all had bachelor's degree or above and were all over 25 years old. It was unbelievable that I was 19 years old and could equal them, but the fact was that when I got 4500 yuan of salary for the first month, I called my mother at the end of the phone, I vaguely heard my mother's excited voice. I didn't let my parents down. I chose what I liked, and I succeeded!
Finally, what Xiao Tao wants to tell us is that although he is a student who failed in the college entrance examination, he has his own pursuit and strong self-confidence. Success is not a matter of hope and impossibility. As long as you make the right choice and take action, you will succeed!

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  • School address: Henan University of Finance and Law, No. 90, Wenhua Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City
  • Building 1, Xuewen South Campus (Wenhua Road, the intersection of Wenhua Road and Jianxue Street Road)
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Record No.: YUICPB No. 10022989-2
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Beijing University Qingniao Zhengzhou Xiangtian Carrier Pigeon Authorized IT Software College
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