Index number: 035211000/2024-00051
Information classification: Government documents
Issued by: People's Government of Zuoyun County
Date of issue: 2024-01-17 16:09
title: The People's Government of Zuoyun County 2023 Annual Report on the Construction of a Rule of Law Government
Document No.: ZZF [2024] No. 2

The People's Government of Zuoyun County 2023 Annual Report on the Construction of a Rule of Law Government

Published: 2024-01-17 16:09 Source: People's Government of Zuoyun County

Datong Municipal People's Government:

In 2023, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the construction of Zuoyun County's government under the rule of law will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 12th Provincial Party Congress on adhering to the comprehensive rule of law and strengthening the construction of a government under the rule of law, accelerate the construction of a government governance system with clear responsibilities and administration according to law, and comprehensively build a scientific function, legal rights and responsibilities, strict law enforcement A government ruled by law that is open, fair, intelligent, efficient, honest, and people satisfied. The report on the construction of the rule of law government in 2023 is as follows:

1、 Main Measures and Achievements of Building a Government Ruled by Law

(1) Vigorously implement the important deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government to build a rule of law government

First, we will deploy comprehensive and in-depth efforts to build a rule of law government. In 2023, the county government will thoroughly implement the Implementation Outline for Building a Rule of Law Government (2012-2025) and the provincial implementation plan. On July 27, the executive meeting of the county government reviewed the Implementation Plan of Zuoyun County for the Implementation of the Outline for the Construction of a Government under the Rule of Law (2021-2025) (the discussion draft), and submitted the revised version to the County Committee for Governing the County by Law, which was reviewed and approved at the fifth meeting of the County Committee for Comprehensive Governing the County by Law on August 8. In order to promote the person in charge of the administrative organ to respond to the lawsuit in court, the executive meeting of the county government conveyed and studied the "Notice on Strengthening the Work of the Person in Charge of the Administrative Organ to Respond to the Lawsuit in Court" and the instructions of Lu Dongliang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and arranged the deployment and implementation work.

Second, we will make every effort to create a legal business environment. A series of documents, such as Zuoyun County Business Environment Construction Work Plan, have been formulated to promote the optimization of business environment to be specific, targeted and detailed, further compact responsibilities, improve mechanisms and clarify priorities. The Notice on Further Deepening the Reform of "Separation of Certificates and Licenses" to Stimulate the Development Vitality of Market Subjects was issued to significantly relax market access, comprehensively implement the national negative list system of market access, and achieve "no ban, no entry". Actively implement the work of "double publicity", comprehensively sort out, prepare and publicize the catalogue of administrative licensing items, and achieve "all belong to, all show".

Third, we will continue to deepen public legal services. Integrate lawyers, notaries and arbitration resources, set up Zuoyun County Private Enterprise Law Workstation, and implement the project of legal services for the benefit of the people. In 2023, the Legal Service Center will accept 60 cases of assistance, 55 cases of assistance to special groups of people benefiting projects, and 2032 person times of consulting services. The notary office handled 420 notaries for the public throughout the year. The labor and personnel dispute arbitration institutions accepted 88 labor and personnel disputes in total, including 34 cases of arbitration and mediation.

(2) The government has made greater efforts to streamline administration and delegate power

First, we undertook and delegated a number of administrative functions and powers. Earnestly implement the Regulations of Shanxi Province on the Administration and Approval of One Seal, and continue to promote the reform of "one seal administration and approval". We made every effort to undertake the administrative functions and powers delegated by provinces and cities, printed and distributed the Notice of the People's Government of Zuoyun County on Undertaking a Batch of Administrative Functions and Powers Delegated by the Municipal Government, undertook 11 new administrative functions and powers, and published the List of Administrative Licensing Matters of Zuoyun County (2022). The Notice of the People's Government Office of Zuoyun County on Publishing the List of Rights and Responsibilities of the Party Committee and Government Departments of Zuoyun County and the Notice of the People's Government Office of Zuoyun County on Publishing the List of Rights and Responsibilities of Towns and Towns were issued. A total of 3249 items of rights and responsibilities of the Party Committee and government departments were sorted out, and 144 items of the list of rights and responsibilities of towns and townships in Zuoyun County were sorted out and adjusted, and announced to the public, The registration of self-employed businesses was entrusted to the township level, and the responsibility boundary, authority matters and relationship between authority and responsibility of all departments directly under the county were clear and smooth.

Second, the government environment is efficient and convenient. The government affairs service hall is equipped with a comprehensive special window of "one business and one certificate" and a special window of "assistant and agent". The "four one" service mode of "one order notification, one form application, one standard approval, and one window certificate issuance" is implemented to further solve the problems of enterprises such as difficulty in handling affairs and too many certificates. The "no meeting" approval system was created. At the same time, the "7 × 24" non closing service was vigorously promoted, the "7 × 24" smart government self-service hall was built, and the "7 × 24" non closing "implementation plan for enterprise registration of Zuoyun County Administrative Approval Service Administration was formulated. Through the integration of tax related, real estate, provident fund, enterprise start-up and other high-frequency matters, Create a new government service mode of "open all day, self-service all the way, and non-stop all the year round". Provide more efficient and convenient government services for the masses, upgrade and transform the self-service declaration area, and achieve "self-service" and "nearby" for the people. In 2023, there will be 1798 new business entities, including 837 enterprises, accounting for 46.55% of the new business entities, 961 individual businesses, accounting for 53.45% of the new business entities, more than 64% of the new tax related entities, and the year-on-year growth rate of enterprises owned by thousands will be 52.81%.

Third, the supervision during and after the event was more powerful. We will improve the new comprehensive regulatory mechanism based on credit regulation, with "double random and one open" regulation as the basic means and "Internet+regulation" as the main application. The administrative examination and approval items of "enterprise establishment, change and cancellation of registration" shall be subject to the notification and commitment system and defect tolerant examination and approval. The enterprise investment project commitment system was thoroughly implemented, the enterprise investment project application approval credit commitment work was conscientiously done, and the acceptance service was carried out. Relevant matters can be settled at one time through the "commitment system" in accordance with the "Shanxi Province, one seal management and approval", the acceptance catalog of the approval items. We will promote the transformation of government services from "one network for all" to "one network for all". Constantly improve the level of "One Network Access", and make sure that the government affairs service items that have been launched in the whole county will be promoted. Promote the reform of "commitment system+standard land+full agency", comprehensively sort out the handling of project initiation, planning permission, construction permission and other early procedures, carry out early project research and judgment planning, and establish a new service model of "one project, one plan, one list".

(3) The system of administration by law is more perfect

First, major decision-making is scientific, democratic and legal. We will implement the Interim Regulations on Major Administrative Decision Making Procedures, the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Major Administrative Decisions of the People's Government of Shanxi Province, the Measures for Examining the Legitimacy of Major Administrative Decisions of Shanxi Province, and the Measures for Accountability of Major Administrative Decisions of Shanxi Province, and promote the administrative organs to formulate and issue a list of decision-making matters and refine decision-making standards by category in combination with their responsibilities and authorities and local realities. In 2023, the People's Government of Zuoyun County will open two major administrative decisions, one is the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Fourteenth Five Year Plan for Women's Development and the Fourteenth Five Year Plan for Children's Development of Zuoyun County issued by the People's Government of Zuoyun County, the other is the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Operation and Maintenance Management System for Rural Domestic Sewage Collection and Treatment Facilities in Zuoyun County.

The second is the institutionalization of the legality review of normative documents. We further improved the procedures of public participation, expert argumentation, risk assessment, legitimacy review, and collective discussion and decision making in major administrative decisions. A decision-making mechanism for public participation and public opinion has gradually taken shape. For matters related to people's livelihood and social stability, hearings and symposiums were held to listen to the opinions of all sectors of society and effectively prevent legal risks. In 2023, the county government will report one normative document to the municipal government for review, and the county judicial bureau will review two normative documents.

Third, the legal advisory system was implemented in depth. The county government employs legal advisers, who will participate in all major government decisions, drafting of important documents, and signing of important contracts, to ensure that the legal adviser's function of preventing legal risks for major administrative decisions is fully played. In 2023, the county government will hold 11 executive meetings and invite legal advisers to participate in 8 meetings to provide various legal advice to the government.

Fourth, comprehensive law enforcement in villages and towns has achieved initial results. In 2023, the township comprehensive administrative law enforcement teams will independently carry out 233 administrative inspections. It involves forest fire prevention, river flood prevention, enterprise safety production, environmental health, food safety and other fields. A total of 51 problems were found and 51 were rectified.

Fifth, the law enforcement in key areas related to the vital interests of the masses was strong. In the field of natural resources, 558600 mu of cultivated land and 517700 mu of basic farmland were protected by strengthening law enforcement. In the field of public health, we strengthened the management and supervision of village doctors' attendance, basic medical care and public health services, issued nine supervision circulars, and dismissed three village doctors. In the field of ecological environment, we have won the battle of defending blue sky, clear water and pure land. As of November 30, 2023, there are 273 excellent days above the second level in the whole county. The proportion of excellent days of air quality is 82.5%, down 8.5 percentage points year on year. The quality of drinking water sources in 2 county-level cities and 3 villages and towns has reached Class III of the groundwater quality standard.

Sixth, consciously accept supervision. The county government consciously accepts the legal supervision and work supervision of the People's Congress and its Standing Committee, and the democratic supervision of the CPPCC. In 2023, the county government will report to the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress the explanation of the 2023 practical livelihood candidate projects, which will be voted at the fourth session of the 18th People's Congress of the county. The county government has actively promoted the appearance of persons in charge of administrative organs in court. In 2023, there will be 13 administrative cases in the county, and all persons in charge of administrative organs will appear in court. The Administrative Reconsideration Bureau concluded three cases of administrative reconsideration.

Respect the effective judgment of the people's court. After sorting out, there will be no effective judgment involving administrative organs in the county court in 2023.

(4) Effectively resolve social conflicts and disputes

First, in-depth investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes. We will promote the construction of people's mediation organizations, ensure that they are built to the full, and achieve three-dimensional and full coverage throughout the county. In 2023, the people's mediators effectively communicated with the county people's court, successfully mediating 74 cases, the court issued 5 judicial confirmations, and issued 12 mediation statements. The labor and personnel dispute arbitration institution of Zuoyun County has accepted 88 labor and personnel disputes and concluded 88 cases throughout the year. In 2023, all township and village (community) mediation committees will mediate 72 conflicts and disputes, with a success rate of 100%. The county judicial bureau will grant the people's mediator a subsidy of 950 yuan "depending on the case".

Second, we will focus on handling repeated complaints and resolving the backlog of complaints. In 2023, the third batch of letters and visits assigned by the Central Joint Office to our county has been resolved, with a resolution rate of 100%.

(5) Focus on strengthening the function of rule of law at the grass-roots level

First, we will fully implement the Eighth Five Year Plan for Law Popularization. In accordance with the requirements of the "Eight Advancements" of law popularization, 12000 pamphlets were printed and distributed to villages, enterprises, schools and communities. Focusing on pertinence and inclusiveness, in 2023, a total of 7 centralized rule of law publicity activities were organized, including the "National Security Education Day for All" publicity activities, "Better Life, Accompanied by the Civil Code" - "Code into Scenic Spots", "Notarial Legal Services into Communities" publicity and consultation activities, "Rural Revitalization of the Rule of Law", and "December 4" constitutional publicity activities. Focus on promoting laws and regulations such as Xi Jinping's idea of the rule of law, the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Code, the Law on the Promotion of Family Education, and the Law on Combating Organized Crime, and effectively promote the "eight advancements" of laws.

The second is to strengthen the training of "people who understand the law". Since this year, there have been 145 new village (community) "law appreciators" and 628 "law appreciators" in the county.

Third, vigorously promote the establishment of democratic and rule of law demonstration villages (communities). At present, there is one national "Demonstration Village (Community) of Democracy and Rule of Law" (Xijie Community) and five provincial "Demonstration Village (Community) of Democracy and Rule of Law" in the county. In the first half of this year, 8 villages (communities) were recommended to participate in the second batch of "Demonstration Villages (Communities) of Democracy and Rule of Law" in Datong.

2、 Deficiencies and Causes of Promoting the Construction of a Government Ruled by Law

First, some administrative law enforcement personnel have not learned enough about Xi Jinping's rule of law, and their awareness and ability to use rule of law thinking and methods to promote rule of law still need to be improved. Second, the administrative law enforcement force needs to be strengthened, and the level of standardization and specialization of administrative law enforcement needs to be improved. Third, the publicity of law popularization is not strong enough, the form is not rich enough, the object is not comprehensive enough, and some publicity has not achieved good results.

3、 The main responsible persons of the party and government conscientiously perform the duties of the first responsible person for promoting the rule of law

(1) The responsibility of the first responsible person for rule of law construction is further compacted

The secretary of the county party committee and the county head took the lead in implementing the "Key Points for the Work of the County Committee of Comprehensive Rule of Law in 2023" and the "Annual Work List of the Party and Government Principal Responsible Persons Fulfilling the Responsibilities of the First Responsible Person for Promoting the Rule of Law". In January 2023, the county party committee secretary listened to the annual report on the construction of the rule of law government at the first time. On January 21, the first executive meeting of the county government listened to the annual report on the construction of the rule of law government in 2022, putting forward specific requirements for the construction of the rule of law in the county. On August 8, the county party committee held the fifth meeting of the county party committee to comprehensively govern the county according to law, which deployed the work of comprehensively governing the county according to law. The office of the county party committee comprehensively governing the county according to law held seven meetings to implement the deployment of the county party committee comprehensively governing the county according to law. According to statistics, since this year, the county party secretary has listened to reports on rule of law construction 3 times, given instructions on rule of law construction 10 times, the county head has listened to reports 3 times, given instructions 10 times, the county party secretary of the political and legal committee 39 times, and the deputy county head in charge 2 times. The instructions of the main leaders of the county party committee and the county government have promoted the orderly progress of the construction of the rule of law throughout the county. The main party and government leaders of township (town) party committees, governments, county party committees and ministries, units directly under the county level, people's organizations, and enterprises and institutions under the county level further implement the responsibilities of the first person responsible for rule of law construction in accordance with the Key Points, and actively claim tasks and promote work.

(2) The main responsible persons of the party and government learned and explained the law in depth

The county party committee and the county government conscientiously implement the Opinions on Further Strengthening Leading Cadres' Ability to Learn and Use the Law and Improve Their Ability to Govern by Law, and improve the system of organizing the Party Committee (Party Leadership Group) to learn the law. In 2023, the theoretical learning center group of the county party committee will focus on learning laws and regulations for five times, and organize a special seminar on learning and implementing Xi Jinping's rule of law thought. The executive meeting of the county government organized seven centralized studies of laws and regulations such as Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, and two thematic studies on the construction of a rule of law government. In 2023, the members of the four teams of the county and the main leaders of the party and government in all towns and departments of the county will report their work in accordance with the regulations.

4、 Main arrangements for promoting the construction of a rule of law government in the next year

(1) Adhere to the leadership of the Party in building a government ruled by law. Always adhere to the leadership of the Party in the construction of a rule of law government, and put the leadership of the Party through the whole process and all aspects of the construction of a rule of law government. We should organically combine the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with the study and understanding of Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, grasp the essence of the spirit, understand the profound connotation, put into practice, effectively improve the political position, firmly defend the "two establishment" and firmly achieve the "two maintenance".

(2) Efforts should be made to create a comprehensive demonstration county of rule of law government. Further promote the implementation of the Implementation Plan of Zuoyun County for the Implementation of the Outline for the Construction of a Government under the Rule of Law (2021-2025). According to the requirements of the Implementation Plan for the Construction of a Demonstration County for the Construction of a Government under the Rule of Law in the Province in 2022-2023 issued by the Office of the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, create an indicator system item by item against 113 items, Carry out all-round construction activities, strive to build a government governance system with clear responsibilities and administration according to law, and strive to lead and set an example in the demonstration construction activities of the whole city and even the whole province.

(3) Constantly optimize the legal business environment. We will comprehensively improve the level of government services, continue to promote the reform of "decentralization, management and service", optimize and upgrade the "one network" of government services, and improve the systems of first inquiry responsibility, one-time notification, one window acceptance, self-service, parallel approval, etc. Deeply promote "standard land+commitment system+full agency", comprehensively promote the reform of enterprise project commitment system, create a fair competitive environment, and improve the quality of public legal services.

(4) We will comprehensively promote administration according to law. Strictly implement the "three systems" of administrative law enforcement, strengthen the supervision of administrative law enforcement personnel, and ensure that law enforcement personnel "work with certificates" and "enforce the law in a civilized manner"; Take the opportunity of strengthening the Party building to promote the improvement of grass-roots governance ability, and constantly strengthen the construction of comprehensive administrative law enforcement teams in villages and towns; Further strengthen the review and filing of the legality of administrative normative documents, so as to achieve "due diligence and preparedness"; We will further strengthen the reform of the administrative reconsideration system, actively explore ways to handle administrative reconsideration cases openly and impartially in the form of hearings and expert consultation, and play the role of mediation as the main channel for resolving administrative disputes.

People's Government of Zuoyun County

January 16, 2024

(This document is publicly released)

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