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Information classification: Message statistics
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Date of issue: 2024-01-19 15:59
title: Work order handling of Zuoyun County 12345 government service hotline in December 2023
Document No.:

Work order handling of Zuoyun County 12345 government service hotline in December 2023

Published: 2024-01-19 15:59 Source: Zuoyun County People's Government Hotline Service Center

1、 Operation

2023 1 two In January, we received complaints from the masses six hundred and thirty-three piece , increasing month on month forty-one point three %, Including online processing six hundred and seventeen Pieces, online settlement rate is ninety-seven five % Offline Undertaker Enterprise Transfer Work Order sixteen Pieces, respectively Transfer to all towns and relevant departments.

(1) Basic information of villages and towns

2023 1 two In June, the township received complaints from the masses one hundred and twenty-seven Pieces, accounting for twenty point zero six %。 among Dianwan Town thirty-five Pieces; Santun Township twenty-four Pieces; Yunxing Town twenty-one Pieces; Xiaojingzhuang Township one four Pieces; Zhangjiachang Township one three Pieces; Housekeeper Castle Township eight Pieces; Queshan Town seven Pieces; Madaotou Township five Pieces. See Figure 1。

(2) Basic information of county departments

In December 2023, departments directly under the county level will accept 490 work orders from the masses, accounting for 77.41% of the total. Including Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau three hundred and four Pieces; Human Resources and Social Security Bureau eighty-three Pieces; Municipal Public Center one eight Pieces; Medical Insurance Bureau 17 pieces; Transportation Bureau 11 pieces; Municipal Supervision Bureau ten Pieces; Public Security game ten Pieces, Other departments have not exceeded ten Pieces. See Fig 2。


(3) Basic information of the enterprise

In December 2023, the enterprise accepted a total of 16 work orders from the masses, accounting for 2.53% of the total. Queshan clean coal eight Pieces; Power supply company three Pieces; Shuimowan Coal Industry two Pieces; Material company two Pieces; Donggou Coal Industry 1 piece, see Figure 3 for details.


2、 High frequency reflection problems

2023 1 two In August, the high-frequency problems mainly focused on public services, village affairs management, urban and rural construction, labor security, civil affairs, city appearance and sanitation, etc six Class. common five hundred and thirty-seven Pieces, accounting for eighty-four point eight %All villages and towns and relevant units should attach great importance to it.


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