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Date of issue: 2024-06-15 15:01
title: The conference on promoting high-quality development of private economy in the county was held
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The conference on promoting high-quality development of private economy in the county was held

Published: 2024-06-15 15:01 Source: Today Zuo Yun

Luo Shibin Attends and Speaks at Haibin, Chairs Gao Jing Attends

On the morning of June 14, the county's high-quality private economy development promotion conference was held to commend and reward outstanding private enterprises, further strengthen support measures, improve service levels, and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of private economy.

Luo Shibin, secretary of the county party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Yu Haibin, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee, County Chief and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zuoyun Economic and Technological Development Zone, presided over the meeting. Gao Jing, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee, Fan Zhong, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Head of the Publicity Department and Director of the Office of the County Party Committee, Li Wei, Deputy County Chief and Director of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, and Zhang Zhiyuan, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Committee and Director of the Finance Bureau attended the meeting.

Luo Shibin required that we should closely focus on the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, provincial and municipal committees, further support, cultivate and expand private enterprises, push more private enterprises to the "upper limit of entry", take a new path of high-quality development, and fully promote the high-quality development of private enterprises. We should vigorously cultivate high-quality private enterprises, focus on private enterprises with core technology, market potential and development prospects, support enterprises to follow the development path of "specialization, specialization, refinement and high-end" by expanding advanced production capacity and strengthening brand building, and focus on cultivating a number of industry leading enterprises, "small giant" enterprises, "small scale upgrading" enterprises, "specialized, refined and new" enterprises Enterprises and joint-stock transformation enterprises are encouraged and guided to increase R&D investment, improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, and create "Zuoyun brand". We should vigorously promote enterprise innovation, comprehensively innovate from the five dimensions of technology, talent, management, service and mechanism, and provide high-quality services for enterprises by improving the comprehensive utilization of information technology. We need to vigorously optimize the business environment, continue to deepen the reform of "releasing management and serving efficiency", "one seal for approval" and "commitment system+standard land+full agency", so that enterprises can invest with confidence, develop freely, and create a good social atmosphere of pro business, valuing business, loving business, and protecting business. We should vigorously strengthen factor guarantee, increase the cooperation between "government, finance and enterprises", provide all-round tracking support services for enterprise projects, and let those who want to do things have a platform, dare to do things, and will do things.

Luo Shibin emphasized that enterprises are always the main body and force to promote the high-quality development of private economy. It is hoped that all entrepreneurs will continue to love, support and nurture their hometown, actively participate in the construction of "rich, beautiful, happy and safe" Zuoyun, continue to be good spokesmen to promote Zuoyun, spread Zuoyun's good voice and expand Zuoyun's circle of friends. Party members and cadres throughout the county should put themselves in the enterprise's shoes, help the enterprise solve problems, and help the enterprise develop. They should always stand together with entrepreneurs, want to work together, and work together to provide the best quality services, and solve problems in a practical way. They should be the strongest backing, the best partner, so that everyone can do things with warmth and comfort, and develop a new situation to promote the high-quality development of Zuoyun in an all-round way.

Yu Haibin pointed out that we should improve our ideological understanding, further strengthen the firmness, consciousness and enthusiasm of developing private economy, and strive to achieve a new leap forward in the development of private economy with a broader vision, newer ideas and more solid methods. We should provide good service guarantee, actively create a legal environment, market environment and public opinion environment suitable for the rapid development of private economy, and strive to form a good atmosphere in the whole society that supports and cares about the rapid and healthy development of private enterprises. We should vigorously promote entrepreneurship, constantly improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, make enterprises bigger and stronger, and make due contributions to building a prosperous, beautiful, happy and safe Zuoyun.

The meeting read out the Notice of the Office of the CPC Zuoyun County Committee and the Office of the People's Government of Zuoyun County on Printing and Distributing the Decision on Fulfilling the Support Policies for Private Economy, and commended and rewarded 38 private enterprises. Three representatives of private enterprises made speeches.

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