Your location: Football live broadcast > Dutch B > Groningen VS Kabul


Dutch B

2024-04-21 03:00:00



Groningen VS Kabul

Time: 03:00:00, 2024-04-21 Beijing Time 03:30
Signal: live broadcast of music ball
Home team: Groningen
Visiting team: Kabul
Pre competition analysis:
At 03:00:00 on April 21, 2024-Beijing time, the game of Groningen vs Campbell of Dutch Second Division kicked off. The live broadcast of the happy ball will provide a live signal link before the game starts. Fans of HiGroningen vs Campbell can collect this page and watch the live broadcast of Groningen vs Campbell online for free at the first time. If you miss the live broadcast of the game, our website will also send the game video collection and full video playback at the first time after the live broadcast. Please pay attention to the corresponding video playback channel of the website in time.

Groningen VS Kabul The competition is very fierce. Let's see what wonderful comments the netizens have~

  • Netizen 1 Said: In a game full of attractions, both sides have a lot of wonderful cooperation and passing.

  • Netizen 2 Said: The team's tactical adjustment has played a role in improving the overall strength.

  • Netizen 3 Said: The strength of both sides was equal in this game, and they finally made a 1-1 draw.

  • Netizen 4 Said: After the game, the players on both sides were very friendly and showed sportsmanship.

  • Netizen5 Said: The fans cheered heartily on the sidelines, adding a lot of heat to the game.

  • Netizen 6 Said: After the game, the players from both sides saluted each other and showed their sportsmanship.

  • Netizen 7 Said: Although there were not many goals, the game was still brilliant.

  • Netizen 8 Said: The referee's decision has caused some controversy.

  • Netizen9 Said: The game brought many surprises to the audience.

  • Netizen 10 Said: Today's game is very intense, and both sides have performed well.

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