Details page of Wordfun Band Aid

Word Fun Band Aid Conversion Window
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font information
Font name: Fun Band Aid
Font size: 5.2MB
Publishing user: Lost Pig
Updated: 2021-04-15
Font number: thirty-one thousand three hundred and seventy-eight
Font format: ttf
Font type: Chinese font
Authorization form: Fee based business authorization
Font heat: 216℃
Character star: ★★★
Character Map
 Fun Band Aid
Introduction to Wordfun Band Aids
Recommended label: interest Word interest

Wordfun Band Aid Font Download

Ziqu Band Aid font font library is a pleasing and never tired Chinese font, suitable for various advertising and product packaging design applications. The font size is 5.2MB, the format is ttf font, the upload user is a lost pig, and the author/copyright owner is Ziqu font library

 Effect picture of word fun band aid
Description of download permission of Wordfun Band Aid
The copyright of all fonts in the font library network belongs to the copyright owner. All fonts must be used for commercial purposes by contacting the copyright owner for payment and authorization (please find the contact information on the relevant font page, if there is no contact information, please search the copyright owner's information on the network), otherwise, the font library network will be responsible for any infringement caused by it, and will not be responsible for your infringement.
There are four ways to download fonts from the font library:
1. Free download: The font library network provides a free download link (tourists and members can download for free). The font is only used for non-profit purposes such as personal free research and testing. For commercial purposes, you must contact the relevant copyright owner for authorization;
2. Points download: registered members are required to log in and download points. New registered users will be given 50 points. If the points are not enough, they can recharge the points (10 points equals 1 yuan), or upload the point font for other members to download to obtain a certain amount of points. This font is only for non-profit purposes such as personal free research and testing, For commercial purposes, relevant copyright owners must be contacted for authorization;
3. Paid fonts: fonts can only be downloaded after paying a certain amount of fees online. The payment method can be WeChat payment or Alipay payment. After downloading, they are only used for non-profit purposes such as personal free research and testing. For commercial purposes, you must contact the relevant copyright owner for authorization;
4. Font download is not supported: this font only provides picture display for various reasons, and font download in any way cannot be provided. If you need to download and use this font, please contact the font author
Tips: In order to respect the labor achievements of the copyright owner, each design company, advertising practitioner, client, etc. has the obligation and responsibility to remind the demander of commercial use, contact the copyright owner to pay for the use of font works. The website does not belong to font authorization whether it is free download, point download, or paid download
Author cooperation: This website is now registered as an open font author account. If font authors need to promote and download on this website, they can register a manufacturer account (registration link: )If you choose to download for a fee, the author can get a commission share. Please contact us to discuss the proportion of the commission. QQ: 2275322753