Zhang Xingxing, the manager of the water production company of Water Affairs Group, and his party went to the College of Biological Environment to discuss the joint construction and cooperative development of the Party - Jiyang College of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University

Zhang Xingxing, the manager of the water company of Water Affairs Group, and his party went to the College of Biological Environment to discuss the joint construction of the Party and cooperative development

[Source: Editor: Pan Kejia Time: 2024-05-17 Browse:

On May 14, Zhang Xingxing, manager of the water production company of the Water Affairs Group, led a team to the college to investigate the professional development and scientific research, and held an exchange discussion on the cooperation between the school and the government. Yan Guobing, Dean of the College, and relevant teachers of the College of Biological Environment attended the symposium, which was presided over by Ma Zhongxing, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch (presiding over the work).

At the symposium, Yan Guobing warmly welcomed the arrival of Zhang Xingxing and his delegation, and introduced in detail the remarkable achievements of the college in career development, professional construction, scientific research and faculty building. He stressed that the college has been committed to promoting the deep integration of production, teaching, research and application, and looks forward to working together with the Water Group in relevant fields in the future to achieve win-win development.

Ma Zhongxing shared the experience and achievements of the college in party building, including innovative practices in party building guidance, party member education and political construction. He pointed out that the two sides also have broad space for cooperation in the field of party building, and can jointly explore how to further improve the quality and effect of party building.

Zhang Xingxing congratulated the college on its remarkable achievements in all aspects, and appreciated its efforts in talent cultivation, scientific research and achievements transformation. He gave a detailed introduction to the development history and business fields of the Water Group, and said that he expected to carry out in-depth cooperation with the College at multiple levels to jointly promote the vigorous development of the cause of both sides.

The symposium laid a solid foundation for future cooperation between the two sides. Both sides said that they would take this visit as an opportunity to further deepen exchanges and cooperation, jointly explore new cooperation models, and contribute wisdom and strength to the development of related fields.

At the final stage of the symposium, the secretaries of the joint party building branch of both parties also discussed in detail the recent development of party building activities, with a view to further implementing cooperation intentions through specific actions and jointly creating a new situation of party building work.

(Draft: College of Biological Environment Zhu Shuqin   Reviewed by: Ma Zhongxing)

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