Students of College of Biological Environment published important academic papers - Jiyang College of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University

Students of the College of Biological Environment published important academic papers

[Source: Editor: Shen Yuting Time: 2024-05-07 Browse:

Recently, under the guidance of Professor Yan Guobing, Tao Ye, a 2022 student majoring in traditional Chinese medicine in the College of Biological Environment, published an article as the first author in the internationally famous journal Organic Chemistry Frontiers. It is reported that Organic Chemistry Frontiers (ISSN:.

Functionalization of carbon hydrogen bond is the most effective and direct method to modify existing molecules. In modern organic synthesis, the position selective functionalization of aliphatic primary amine sp3 carbon hydrogen bond is the most challenging work, which has attracted extensive attention of chemists. The functionalization of aliphatic primary amine α - carbon (sp3) - hydrogen bond can be realized through the free radical reaction process, using photo redox catalyst and hydrogen atom transfer strategy; In addition, the functionalization of γ - and δ - carbon (sp3) - hydrogen bonds of aliphatic primary amines can also be realized by using transition metal palladium catalysts.


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About the author:

Tao Ye, a student of Class 221, majoring in traditional Chinese medicine, College of Biological Environment, won the third prize in the 14th Undergraduate Chemistry Competition; Won the third class scholarship of Jiyang University; Participate in the 2024 Zhejiang Provincial New Seedling Talent Plan; Won the first prize of "Dormitory Culture Festival" of Jiyang College of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University; Won the title of "Most Beautiful Dormitory" of the 8th "Dormitory Culture Festival" in Shaoxing.


(Draft: Xuan Lingjuan, College of Biological Environment Reviewed by: Ma Zhongxing)


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