Gather consensus and join forces - College leaders visit alumni representatives in Jinhua - Jiyang College of Zhejiang A&F University

Gather consensus and join forces - college leaders visit alumni representatives in Jinhua

[Source: Editor: Shen Yuting Time: April 29, 2024 Browse:

In order to further strengthen the communication between alma mater and alumni, promote the cooperation and exchange between school and enterprise, deepen the integration of industry and education, broaden the employment and entrepreneurship channels of graduates, and help alumni and the college achieve "win-win development". On April 28, Xu Guanghui, Dean of the College, and Hong Yun, Secretary of the Party Committee led a team to Jinhua City to visit alumni representatives and carry out the special action of visiting enterprises to expand jobs and promote employment. Li Wenli, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, was accompanied by relevant principals from the Social Cooperation Department, the Alumni Office, the Business School and the School of Landscape Architecture.

College leaders have visited and investigated Dongyang Jinsheng mahogany professional television cabinet manufacturing factory, Yiwu Dacheng garden bonsai base and Changsheng Trade Co., Ltd. to further understand the construction, development and talent demand of alumni enterprises.

At the symposium, Zou Xiang, the person in charge of Changsheng Trade Co., Ltd. and an alumnus of the 2015 Business Administration Major, introduced the company's construction, development and future prospects, put forward some constructive opinions and suggestions on the college's talent cultivation, employment and entrepreneurship, alumni liaison, campus culture and other work, and expressed his expectation of deep cooperation with his alma mater to seek new development of school enterprise cooperation.

On behalf of the college, Xu Guanghui expressed cordial greetings to alumni representatives from Jinhua, Dongyang and Yiwu, and congratulated the alumni enterprises on their development achievements. He said that the development of the college cannot be separated from the active participation and strong support of alumni. In the future, the college should continue to strengthen regular communication and exchange with alumni, adhere to "going out and inviting in", give full play to their respective advantages, explore diversified cooperation space in applied talent training, employment and entrepreneurship, school enterprise cooperation and other aspects, and work together for common development. It is expected that the two sides will further strengthen cooperation in the integration of production and education, e-commerce, practice and training, collaborative education and other aspects, and jointly promote the deepening and practical cooperation between schools and enterprises.

Hong Yun stressed that the rapid and stable development of alumni enterprises is the pride and honor of the alma mater, and also the best feedback and evaluation of the educational quality of the alma mater. The college always pays close attention to the growth and success of alumni and the healthy development of alumni enterprises. On the basis of doing their own thing well and realizing the healthy development of enterprises, the college hopes that alumni can often go back to their alma mater and work with their alma mater to do a good job in talent training, social cooperation, employment and entrepreneurship, and strive to contribute to the development of the college while maintaining stability.


Alumni attending the meeting expressed their gratitude for the cultivation of their alma mater, proud of the achievements of their alma mater in recent years, and unanimously expressed that they would continue to care about and support the construction and development of the college, and actively contribute to the college's talent cultivation, innovation and entrepreneurship, talent recruitment, practical training, social cooperation and other work.

The ancient wind corridor has the feeling of heaven and the dream of Jiyang, the hometown of Xi Shi. Alumni are valuable social resources and wealth for a university to run a school. They are an important force and innovative carrier in talent training, teaching and research, school enterprise cooperation, enrollment and employment, cultural inheritance, and social service. They are also the most reliable and reliable force for the development of the university. This alumni visit and the action of visiting enterprises to expand their posts, while strengthening alumni contact, gathering alumni consensus, and gathering alumni 'joint efforts, also promoted the precise docking between the university and enterprises, provided important reference for the college to strengthen the reform and innovation in professional construction, curriculum practice, innovation and entrepreneurship talent training, and comprehensively improved the quality of applied talent training, It has played a positive role in promoting the employment of graduates.

Next, the college will further give play to the alumni platform of communication and sharing, build a development community of alumni and alma mater, resonate with each other on the same frequency and in the same direction, and draw a "concentric circle" of school enterprise cooperation.


(Draft: Business School He Huanjun Reviewed by: Zhang Peicheng)


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