Our college held the May 4th Advanced Commendation Conference of 2024 "Youth is a great power and I am a great power" and the 9th May 4th Red Song Festival - Jiyang College of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University

Our hospital held the May 4th Advanced Commendation Conference of "Youth is a great power and I am" in 2024 and the 9th May 4th Red Song Festival

[Source: Editor: Shen Yuting Time: April 28, 2024 Browse:

On the evening of April 25, the May 4th Advanced Commendation Conference and the 9th May 4th Red Song Festival of 2024 "Youth is a great power and I am a great power" was held in the theater of the college's activity center. Xu Guanghui, President of the College, Hong Yun, Secretary of the Party Committee, Jin Songheng, Vice President, Gao Guojun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and Li Shujun, Vice President of the College were present. Heads of relevant functional departments, party and government leaders of secondary colleges, all counselors, and choirs of secondary colleges participated in the activity.

The activity was divided into two chapters. The first chapter mainly carried out the patriotic theme education of "going to the place where the motherland needs most", awarded prizes to the winners of the "two excellent and one first" and the ideological and political micro class contest, presented the flag to the Xiusong Youth League Branch, and carried out the May 4th theme propaganda and the oath taking ceremony for new league members.

The second chapter of the activity is the May 4th Red Song Chorus Competition. A total of 6 representative teams from secondary colleges participated in the competition. The choirs showed ingenuity and originality, and turned their enthusiasm into passionate hymns through musical instrument performance, recitation, dance and other rich forms. The college student art troupe performed in chorus, singing the infinite loyalty and love to the party and the country. A red classic song leads teachers and students through the magnificent history and vividly understands the heroic epic written by revolutionary ancestors with blood and life, which makes people excited.

In the end, the College of Humanities and the College of Marxism won the first prize, the School of Business, the College of Biological Environment and the School of Chenxiao Art and Design won the second prize, the School of Engineering Technology and the School of Landscape Architecture won the third prize, and the School of Landscape Architecture won the best conductor award.


(Drafted by: School Work Department, Youth League Committee, Zhang Ming, Pan Wenxi College of Humanities, and Marxism College, Bao Junyu, Dai Peng, Reviewed by: Xu Chunxia, Xuan Wang Wei)


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