The college held a food safety management leading group meeting - Jiyang College of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University

The college held a meeting of food safety management leading group

[Source: Editor: Pan Kejia Time: 2024-03-08 Browse:

On March 6, the college held the first food safety management leading group working meeting in 2024. Xu Guanghui, President and Director of the Food Safety Leading Group, Gao Guojun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Food Safety Leading Group, Xia Quan, Deputy General Manager of the Logistics Center, and heads of the Party Political Office, the School Work Department, the Public Security Department, the Logistics Center Zhuji Service Department and the general party branches of the secondary colleges attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Jin Songheng, Vice President and Deputy Director of the Food Safety Leading Group.

Xu Guanghui affirmed the recent efforts made by the Zhuji Service Department of the Logistics Center for the investigation and rectification of campus food safety. He stressed that campus food safety is an extremely serious political task, which is related to the development of the college and the health and safety of all teachers, students and staff. Three musts should be implemented: First, we must improve our ideological understanding, We will firmly shoulder our political responsibilities, unswervingly implement the requirements of documents at all levels, focus on building a standardized management, supervision and inspection system throughout the process, and continue to promote the comprehensive improvement of campus food safety assurance level and ability. Second, it is necessary to compact the responsibility for safe production, Relevant departments should perform their own duties, clarify their responsibilities, and coordinate with each other in an efficient way to carefully find, prevent and eliminate various potential safety hazards. Third, we must improve our safety management ability, Insist on preventing and resolving major risks from the source, carefully study and judge the risk changes in important links, key areas and important nodes, further improve the hardware facilities and equipment of the canteen, strengthen safety precautions, and improve emergency response capability. Food safety work is always on the way, and all departments should always tighten the string of food safety, always maintain a high-pressure situation, and firmly build a defense line for food safety.

Jin Songheng conveyed the spirit of the document issued by the Food Safety Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Education, the Department of Education and other departments on the special action of campus food safety inspection and rectification. He asked the Zhuji Service Department of the Logistics Center and other departments to compare the inspection standards, further improve the system and mechanism, compact the responsibilities of all parties, focus on the outstanding problems, take effective measures, do detailed work, eliminate the hidden dangers of food safety on campus, and effectively ensure the food safety of teachers and students.

The Director of Food Safety and the person in charge of the Public Security Department reported the recent food safety supervision and inspection, and the Deputy General Manager of the Logistics Center and the person in charge of the Zhuji Service Department reported the implementation of the special action for food safety inspection and rectification.

(Drafted by: Zhuji Service Department of Logistics Center Shen Xueying   Reviewed by: He Yaojun)

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