Vice President Xu Aijun came to the Institute for investigation and guidance - Jiyang College of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University

Vice President Xu Aijun came to the hospital for investigation and guidance

[Source: Editor: Pan Kejia Time: 2024-03-03 Browse:

On March 1, Xu Aijun, Vice President of Zhejiang A&F University, came to the hospital to investigate and guide the work.

At the symposium, the leading group members of the college reported on their respective work. Xu Aijun listened carefully to the report and affirmed the college's work in party building, ideological and political work, talent training, scientific research, team building, social cooperation and other work in 2023 and the beginning of the school.

At the same time, he made a profound analysis of the opportunities and challenges facing the development of the college, and defined the key tasks for the next stage. He requested that we should take improving the ability of talent cultivation as the core, comprehensively strengthen the construction of the teaching staff, and strengthen the ethics of teachers; We should continue to strengthen campus safety work to ensure the safety of teachers and students' lives and property; We should pay attention to every student's mental health, expand mental health education activities, and help students establish correct values and outlook on life; We should continue to increase investment in facilities and equipment to show the new look and new atmosphere of the college; We should carry out colorful campus activities to enhance the sense of happiness of teachers and students; It is necessary to continuously improve the service quality of the college canteen and provide more safe, healthy and delicious catering services for teachers and students; We should continue to strengthen the school land interaction and deepen the school land cooperation.

Xu Aijun visited the police office, the fire control center, the second canteen, the psychological center and the greening reconstruction site, and learned about the work of the college in safety assurance, food safety, dining environment, mental health education, greening reconstruction and other aspects in detail, and put forward opinions and suggestions.

All leading group members of the college, and heads of the Party and Government Office, Zhuji Service Department of the Logistics Service Center and other departments accompanied the survey.

(Drafted by: Party and Government Office, Propaganda Department Pan Kejia Reviewed by: Chen Hangfeng)

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