2017 Retail Ranking

2018-01-09 11:42:08   Source: China Franchise Network   6894 people participated
  • Business scope: retail
  • Number of stores: 479
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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In the twinkling of an eye, 2018 has arrived, and all walks of life in the market have begun to summarize 2017, and on this basis, make appropriate improvements to this year's business strategy. In recent years, the retail industry has reached a grand scale under the impact of e-commerce, and various enterprises have fought openly and secretly to seize market resources. Today, I will take you to understand, 2017 Retail Ranking What is it?


Ma Yun's entrepreneurial history has become a myth in all walks of life, especially the emergence of Alipay, which has changed the way people consume, and is one of the milestones in the progress of modern scientific and technological civilization. It is Ma Yun's project and has become one of the largest retailers in the world in the continuous development and upgrading. The shopping festivals in the second half of the year and the Double Twelfth Festival have brought endless business.

   proxime accessit:

The symbol of Tmall is the dog, and the symbol of Tmall is the cat. The battle between cat and dog has become a tradition for many years. stay What surprised people in 2017 was the sales of 127.1 billion yuan, which was very close to Tmall, and was called a strong dark horse in the e-commerce industry by various media.


It should give people the impression that it is easy to buy. The advantage of the enterprise is that it has adopted the business mode of online and offline integration. The support of qualified products and comfortable shopping experience make more and more consumers willing to spend. stay In 2017, it also left a good record of breaking the hundred million mark in seven seconds.

  Fourth place: China Resources Wanjia

Supermarkets are the main representatives of the physical retail industry, and CR is a large supermarket enterprise, which adheres to the business philosophy of freshness, low price and convenience to meet the needs of consumers. stay In retail sales in 2016, China Resources was second only to.

 CR Vanguard

   Fifth place: electrical appliances

The electric appliance was established earlier and is the founder of the retail chain operation of CEC. It was once one of the representative brands in the retail industry, but in the past two years, under the impact of the impact, the sales volume has a significant downward trend, but the enterprise has made reforms, so it still maintains a good ranking.

   Sixth place:

It is an enterprise with health care products and beauty products as its main business, with more than 20 stores throughout the country, amounting to There are more than 10000 retail chains in the beauty industry.

about 2017 Retail Ranking That's all for Xiao Bian. From this, we can see that in today's retail industry, e-commerce has been on a par with physical businesses. However, with the development of e-commerce, its disadvantages have gradually emerged, restricting the pace of progress. Therefore, Alibaba and both have begun to develop offline channels, so there will be more changes in the future retail rankings.

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