How many members of Guojilao

2024-02-12 13:57:14   Source: China Franchise Network   13 people participated
  • Business scope: retail
  • Number of stores: 479
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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With the improvement of life quality, healthy diet has become a hot topic in society. Fruit contains rich nutritional value, which can supplement the body's nutritional needs. Fruit Lao is a kind of food made from various fresh ingredients and desserts. It is nutritious and delicious, and has become a new favorite on the table. Many people see the business opportunities in the fruit salvage industry and have the idea of opening a shop. How many members of the Fruit Picker?

 Fruit fishing

Brand franchise fee

After choosing a brand to join, the operator needs to pay a certain joining fee to the headquarters. The cost will be different if the reputation of the selected brand is different from the market share. Usually, from 30000 yuan to 50000 yuan, the headquarters brings the authorized use of registered trademarks.

Store rent

If you want to have a good business, you must first choose a store that can operate for a long time. Therefore, the rent of the store is a key factor affecting the cost. According to the store area, business location, market conditions and other factors, the store size is generally about 30 square meters, and the monthly rent is about 5000 to 10000 yuan.

Decoration expenses

The decoration of the fruit store is usually clean and tidy. Different decoration styles, decoration materials and labor construction costs will affect the decoration costs. The decoration cost per square meter is about 500-800 yuan/m2.


Marketing expenses

A new fruit store needs to carry out appropriate market publicity in the early stage to expand the store's reputation and customer flow. Different publicity channels will lead to different costs. Take poster publicity for example, the publicity cost is about 10000 yuan.

Based on the above points, we can know that the franchise cost of opening a fruit salvage store is not very high, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan. The actual cost should be analyzed according to the actual situation.

How many members do you want to join in? Fruit fishing is a popular food in the current market. Its price is friendly, its variety is rich, and it covers a wide range of people. High flexibility, low startup cost, suitable for small cost entrepreneurs. Operators can select a suitable brand to join in according to the actual situation, get the brand image design brought by the company headquarters, create a distinctive personalized image, increase customer stickiness, and lay a foundation for future development. Irregular in store guidance services, rich experience sharing, shorten the time for franchisees to start businesses, and open stores easily.

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  • nine hundred and sixty-three people Focus on joining
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Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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