How to join in ice cream home textile How to join in ice cream?

2017-09-08 14:35:21   Source: China Franchise Network   1122 people participated
  • Business Scope: Wedding
  • Number of stores: 60
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Every summer, ice cream may be a kind of food that many consumers love. Due to the enthusiastic pursuit of consumers, it has a stable market development position in the industry. Home textile ice cream provides consumers with a variety of flavors of products, attracting the trust and recognition of many consumers. It is a wise choice for the smart choice, of course, before joining How to join in ice cream? How to join home textile ice cream Relevant information is very important.

 How to join in ice cream home textile How to join in ice cream?

   How to join in ice cream

   1. Log in to the relevant official website or call the franchise phone to learn about the project.

   2. After selecting the brand, learn more on the brand website.

   3. Go to the head office of the brand for field investigation and talk with professionals.

   4. Apply in the form of network. After the project, go to the relevant industrial and commercial administration department to apply for business license.

   5. Carry out unified training for employees and start normal business.

 How to join in ice cream home textile How to join in ice cream?

  How to join home textile ice cream?

   1. Learn about relevant franchise information through telephone and network.

   2. Go to the headquarters for field investigation and face-to-face talk with professionals to understand the development of the ice cream market.

   3. Submit personal data to the head office in the form of application form for review.

   4. Review and discuss matters related to cooperation with relevant personnel.

   5. Reach a consensus, sign a contract, and pay the corresponding franchise fees according to the size of the franchise store.

   6. Go to the head office for unified purchase.

   7. Go to the industrial and commercial administration department to apply for business license and start normal business.

Home textile ice cream has always insisted on providing consumers with a good quality service environment and a variety of food tastes since its inception, which has attracted the attention of many food lovers. Now it has become an era of entrepreneurship for all, providing a favorable development environment for the catering industry. Therefore, the smart companies are learning how to join the ice cream? Home textile ice cream should be joined as soon as you are interested in the information about how to join. The head office is always waiting for the arrival of the smart choice.

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Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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