[Meishilai Convenience Store] Meishilai Convenience Store is sincerely invited to join

  • Investment amount
    10~20 ten thousand
  • Industry
  • Date of establishment
  • Total number of stores
  • Franchise region
    whole country
  • Suitable for people
    Free entrepreneurship
  • Business scope
    Convenience Store
  • Official website
  • Project focus
    four hundred and fifty-six
  • Project Collection
    four hundred and fifty-six
  • Project comments

Shanghai Aoxia Industrial Co., Ltd

  • Enterprise nature company with limited liability
  • Registered capital 20 million yuan
  • Location Fengxian District, Shanghai
  • Filing enterprises
  • Enterprise certification
  • Investment guarantee
Brand name Meishilai Convenience Store Investment amount 10~20 ten thousand
date of establishment 2016-09-21 Total number of stores two hundred
Business scope Convenience Store Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
Franchise region whole country Whether there is regional authorization yes
Origin of the brand Shanghai contract period
Training period Royalties
Requirements for business conditions bond
Franchise fee    

Joined in by Meishilai Convenience Store details

   Franchise hotline: 13774367248 15800693448

Meishilai 24-hour convenience store, Meishimeike Meishilai, 24H smart integrated convenience store, one-stop office, leisure, entertainment, convenience services, convenience/sharing/quality, more than 600 stores, 70000 kinds of goods, 12 million members, scientific site selection+store training+marketing support+whole process guidance, We sincerely invite franchisees all over the country, and look forward to your joining!

The convenience store industry has developed rapidly, the consumption scene has not yet been developed, and there are four major trends in the development of China's convenience stores

Shopping convenience

   Convenience stores are designed to meet the various needs of different consumer groups for shopping convenience, including the demand for services, omni channel integration and consumers' healthier consumption.

Experience scene

   Convenience stores create many daily consumption scenarios, drive consumers to re purchase, and deepen the scenarios vertically in the time dimension by focusing on the expansion needs evolved from three meals a day and afternoon tea.

Category upgrade

   Customer centered demand customization and iterative product creativity.

Digital drive

   Convenience stores focus on customers, products and operation support, build digital operation, customer-centric sales marketing, supply chain, etc., and are using digital means to improve store performance, customer group management and operation efficiency.

There are 300000 vacancies in China's convenience store market

  According to conservative data, China's convenience store market is calculated as 5000 people need a convenience store. At present, there are at least 300000 convenience stores vacant.

At present, the market stock is dominated by traditional convenience stores, which cannot meet the needs of consumers in terms of food and living surroundings.

Convenience service items required by distance could not be included in the convenience store system.

24H Smart Integrated Convenience Store

12 categories, 10000 products, one-stop solution to consumer needs

   Leisure food/imported goods/reduced fat light food/fresh vegetables and fruits/household goods/rice flour cereals and oils/convenient meals/local specialties/tobacco series/drinks/medical cosmetics/pretreated food materials

Joined in by Meishilai Convenience Store advantage

Diversified revenue, online and offline double line operation, covering the surrounding 5 km consumer groups

Multi channel revenue: Physical stores, applets

Multi channel revenue: Place an order with ten thousand people in the community

Multi channel revenue: Regular commodities, hot and cold fresh food, tea

Shared service revenue: Share printer, coffee machine, music bar and power bank

Convenience service revenue: Dry cleaning, housekeeping, bus card, water, electricity, coal, etc

Unmanned sales revenue: Self-service cash register

Distribution revenue: Lightning delivery improves convenience

Revenue of cross industry alliance: Achieve cross industry cooperation with surrounding businesses

Express station revenue: Send and receive express delivery and temporary storage items

Green recycling revenue: Recovery of express, packaging and idle goods

24x7 intelligent unmanned, to meet the timely needs of consumers

Multiple service modes of "offline convenience store+online mall+shared service+convenient service+alliance of different industries" enable consumers to enjoy a more convenient consumption experience

   Self service cashier sharing mask cabinet Self service recycling machine

Shared power bank buffet food machine self-service coffee machine self-service cabinet

What can Meishilai do for you?

Advertising system

   Local media, online social media, short screen platform, etc. Comprehensive advertising support to quickly improve the brand.

Product R&D system

   The headquarters is responsible for the research and development of product lines, and updating the products of stores according to seasons and regions.

Logistics distribution system

   Provide support for the distribution of special items and special special products in the store.

Logistics distribution system

   Provide support for distribution of special items and special special products in the store.

Site selection evaluation system

   The headquarters evaluates the input and output of the store according to the flow of people in the selected area, and selects the appropriate store address for the partners.

Operation management system

   Professional team of headquarters, one-on-one assistance from regional supervisors, strict regional division

Training and coaching system

   The headquarters provides professional technical training, management training, skill training, service training, etc. for partners.

Media tracking and comprehensive publicity

Dedicated to your service team

   Meishilai 24H Smart Integrated Convenience Store currently has hundreds of elite operators in the industry. Since its establishment, the brand has provided integrated butler services such as location selection, store design, distribution, operation and marketing for stores.

Meishilai 24H convenience store is cheap in purchase and timely in delivery. The Internet+intelligent convenience store directly replicates the mature business model. Franchisees are sincerely invited across the country. We look forward to your joining!

   Franchise hotline: 13774367248 15800693448

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China Franchise Network advantage
  • Franchise certification
  • Big League
  • Lightning Recovery
  • Thousands of public praise
  • Gold medal customer service
  •  Advantage 1: 100% certification
  •  Advantage 2: Big name league
  •  Advantage 3: Lightning recovery
  •  Advantage 4: 10 million word of mouth
  •  Advantage 5: Gold medal customer service
 Joined in by Meishilai Convenience Store
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