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industry New industry>environmental protection
Number of stores 130
Investment amount 20~50 ten thousand
Investment amount: 1~5 ten thousand
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Investment amount: 5~10 ten thousand
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Planting color workshop
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Hongyang Solar
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Colton water purifier
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Casseri solar silicone panel
Investment amount: 1~5 ten thousand
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Jinchineng battery repair
Investment amount: 1~5 ten thousand
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Water balance environmental protection
Investment amount: 5~10 ten thousand
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Four Seasons Muge
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Little princess electric car
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Qianya New Building Materials
Investment amount: 5~10 ten thousand
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Fengjue electric vehicle
Investment amount: 1~5 ten thousand
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Golden wind and jade dew water purifier
Investment amount: 1~5 ten thousand
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Motor economizer
Investment amount: 50~100 ten thousand
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Charcoal machine market prospect of Qingda Agricultural Research Institute
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On July 3, Ms. Qin Simple and excellent learning machine Leave a message under the brand and ask for information for free
On July 3, Yang Zai Baolian lamp mother and baby products Leave a message under the brand and ask for information for free
On July 3, Li Xiangshen Gll Wonton Leave a message under the brand and ask for information for free
On July 3, Zhang Bin Gll Wonton Leave a message under the brand and ask for information for free
Jiao Zai on July 3 Chuanhun Hat Brand Maocai Leave a message under the brand and ask for information for free