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industry Catering>Ice Cream
Number of stores 50
Investment amount 1~5 ten thousand
Potted ice cream
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Tropice Ice Cream
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Madeier Ice Cream
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Orio Flash Ice Cream
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Mickey Ice Cream
Investment amount: 5~10 ten thousand
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Alexandra Ice Cream
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Cool Holy Stone Ice Cream
Investment amount: 1~5 ten thousand
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Mother-in-law ice
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Love for a long time
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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GODVIA Ice Cream
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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East, west, north and south ice cream
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Ice cream
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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San Manli barreled ice cream
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Summer afternoon ice cream
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Dakeri Ice Cream
Investment amount: 5~10 ten thousand
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Gelato ice cream is characterized by its delicate, smooth, non greasy and rich nutrition. The product successfully discards the shortcomings of traditional ice cream, which is high in fat, high in calories and high in sugar, and attaches importance to the taste, so that people who pay attention to the body have a choice.
G9 molecular ice cream is a chain project developed for Singapore, and officially entered the domestic market in 2012. At present, it has developed with Nanjing as the center, and has distributed all over the country. It has opened more than 100 stores in many places.
As an integrated catering brand specializing in the integration of online catering supply and wholesale, Ninghai has formed its own brand precipitation after 10 years. Today, more than 500 mature branches have been opened in more than 10 regions and 40 cities. Each store has eight series of delicacies, including tea, desserts and snacks, to meet consumers' diversified choice requirements. Is there any ice cream in the franchise store of Ninghai Milk Tea? Come and have a look, curious partner!
As one of the most famous brands of China's trendy drinks, Gong Douji enjoys a high reputation among the post-90s and post-00s women and Chinese style lovers. In Gongdouji, people can not only taste all kinds of classic drinks and snacks, but also deeply feel the beauty of the national style, which can kill two birds with one stone. Among the many exquisite foods, does Miyadoki have ice cream? Now, let's introduce it to you.
Ice cream sells a lot in summer. Of course, some people want to eat some ice cream in winter to refresh themselves, but it is not recommended to eat such a cold product, which has a great impact on our health. In hot summer, we can also eat some ice cream to relieve the summer heat, which is suitable. Esbati is a famous Italian ice cream popular with young diners, Every summer, the sales volume will not be low. Wise candidates are thinking about whether to run directly or join in Esbati? How much does it cost to join Espatio ice cream?
How happy it is to eat a mouthful of ice cream in the hot summer! In summer, you can see many people holding ice cream on the streets, which can not only enjoy, but also bring a sense of cool. Therefore, opening a special ice cream meeting is a good project to further expand the market. If you want to start a good business, you need to choose a brand wisely
Ice cream is a hot product in summer. On the street in hot summer, you can see that almost everyone has an ice cream in their hands. It can not only reduce the temperature in the body, but also provide some sugar and energy for the body to avoid heatstroke
Ice cream is a magical cold drink dessert. Ice cream can bring you a sweet feeling and make your life more rich and interesting. Therefore, the ice cream industry has also achieved good development in the market. Espatti is a brand focusing on Italian ice cream, and its products are very attractive
Entrepreneurship hotspot
Everyone likes to taste delicious ice cream in hot summer, which seems to be no big deal, but there are some people who are unwilling to participate in such projects, which is not only an opportunity but also a great challenge for everyone. In this time of hesitation, there is a kind of Italian ice cream that everyone likes, with various tastes and qualified quality, Few diners can resist the temptation of ice cream, let alone the hot summer days? Among many ice cream products, Italian ice cream seems particularly popular. So, which one is good for Italian ice cream? Espatti is waiting for your cooperation.
Ice cream is an indispensable product in summer, suitable for both young and old. It can reduce the heat in summer, so it has become the preferred product for people to reduce the heat in summer. Many franchisees also see the business opportunity and want to choose a brand to join. Because there are many ice cream brands, they need to choose a strong brand to join, which can bring them wisdom and support, Xiao Bian Recommends 1946 Ice Cream in Zhongjie
Ice cream tastes good, but many people will refrain from eating ice cream, especially those who need to help regulate body fat. Of course, the times are advancing. Many brands have improved on this phenomenon. They use ingredients from Italian style when making, which does not have very high calories. This deepens everyone's love for ice cream.
Walking in the streets and alleys of every city, we can see all kinds of brand ice cream everywhere, which is a cold drink industry full of business opportunities for the smart choice. But not every brand is worthy of wisdom. Many entrepreneurs have a good understanding of their brands before joining in Smart Choice. Finally, we will choose a suitable beverage brand that is worthy of joining many smart candidates.
In the hot summer, we must eat ice cream to ease our stuffy mood. The delicious ice cream is unforgettable. Even if we are unhappy, we will be very happy if we eat delicious ice cream. Ice cream is also one of the dishes that accompany our growth
Market situation
With the continuous progress of people's life, people have also undergone great changes in all aspects. There are also a variety of food products in the market. Ice cream is a favorite snack for modern young people and children, and it is also very popular in the market. So there are many smart candidates in the market who want to join
Ice cream is a kind of cold drink that every young person likes to eat. With the rapid development of the economy, different brands of ice cream products have emerged in the market, which can better meet the needs of consumers in the current market. With its unique product taste, Espatio Italian ice cream has attracted a group of consumers to come to the market for consumption. It has a very large development space in the market and has attracted the attention of many smart selectors. So what is the number of Espatio Italian ice cream franchise phone?
In this hot summer, delicious ice cream is the choice of many consumers. How wonderful it is to eat a cold ice cream in hot weather. Espatti ice cream, sweet cream, Italian low calorie ice cream, as sweet as romantic love.
My childhood memory is very beautiful. What I remember deeply is the cry of selling popsicles in front of and behind my house. Whenever I hear this voice, I always shout my parents to buy me an ice cream to satisfy my little taste. Ice cream is a synonym that many people are familiar with and often eat as a child. Now many beverage stores or cold drink wholesale stores still have ice cream, which is very popular in summer.
Every summer, there will be many kinds of ice cream stores on the market. These stores are very popular in the market. Every day, we can see that the stores are full of consumers, and there will be many people queuing up. It can be seen that ice cream products are very popular, which has become a good smart choice.
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