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industry Beauty>Cosmetics
Number of stores 166
Investment amount 10~20 ten thousand
Cosmetics with plastic elements
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Investment amount: 1~5 ten thousand
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Emotional cosmetics
Investment amount: 1~5 ten thousand
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Ziyi New Cosmetics
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Ruxin cosmetics
Investment amount: 5~10 ten thousand
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Twelve flavors
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Kuki Huatian Cosmetics
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Zhiyitang cosmetics
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Lancome, France
Investment amount: 50~100 ten thousand
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Yiyan cosmetics
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Jiuli Beauty Cosmetics
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Cosmetics of Hong Kong Alliance
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Go up the mountain to gather herbs
Investment amount: 1~5 ten thousand
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Kaizhuo perfume cosmetics
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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What puzzles entrepreneurs is that they don't know how to choose the brand and industry they choose to join.
Cosmetics are indispensable to every girl's life, and there are too many cosmetics brands. The development of this industry has attracted the attention of many entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship is not as difficult as people think. Whether the entrepreneurial path is smooth or not is actually related to the chosen industry and brand.
Everyone has different views on entrepreneurship. Some people feel that entrepreneurship needs to fight alone in the market, while others feel that choosing a brand as a backer can make them more stable on the path of entrepreneurship.
Girls cannot live without cosmetics. In fact, many boys now often pay attention to skin care.
Both men and women have a love of beauty, so the beauty and skin care industry in the market will develop very well, and many entrepreneurs have also set their sights on it.
Original cosmetics provide better skin care for people. It is very popular in the beauty market, and the market demand is also increasing.
Cosmetics is one of the indispensable products in people's life, so it promotes the development speed of the cosmetics industry. More brands are emerging in the market, including 3ce cosmetics.
Entrepreneurship hotspot
Cosmetics are very important for everyone. Long term use of cosmetics can keep your skin moist, white, elastic, and make your skin look younger.
Everyone loves beauty. In daily life, many friends will use cosmetics. The revenue of cosmetics is very high, and the consumer market is very large.
In daily life, many friends will use cosmetics. The consumer market of cosmetics is very large, and the product revenue is very high.
NOVO Cosmetics is a beauty enterprise that deals in cosmetics, skin care products, and cosmetics tools as a comprehensive product. Although NOVO brand, which has a complete and scientific quality management system and is specialized in production and processing, was initially famous for copying the style of big brands
Shanghai Meisha Cosmetics Co., Ltd. was founded on April 21, 2015. At present, it focuses on the development of cosmetics and skin care products. Because it can accurately grasp the pulse of the market and constantly adjust the product portfolio in full view of market changes and trend development, it is highly praised and loved by women who love beauty.
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