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industry Clothing>Women's Wear
Number of stores 100
Investment amount one Less than 10000
Han Yi
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Zhejiang Shanzhu Clothing Co., Ltd
Investment amount: 1~5 ten thousand
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PELZ18 Women's Wear
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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EVENY Women's Wear
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Investment amount: 50~100 ten thousand
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5y5u women's clothing
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Bessie Clothing
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Kamiman Women's Clothing
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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SD Women's Wear
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Shijin Women's Clothing
Investment amount: 5~10 ten thousand
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Ailaiyi down jacket
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Shuiyuan Women's Clothing
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Gaoge Women's Clothing
Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
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Benedictine Women's Clothing
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Youmei Women's Wear
Investment amount: 20~50 ten thousand
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Women often discuss all kinds of buying and buying issues. The development prospect of women's clothing industry in today's market is very good. After all, girls often buy clothes. For items that are deeply loved by consumers, it would be good to join a women's clothing store to operate.
More than 90% of entrepreneurs do not know what to do. In fact, entrepreneurship is to choose a brand that is more concerned. After being recognized by consumers, the development of the market will be easier.
The women's clothes that create the mainstream social high street fashion series are especially popular with professional women. The design pieces of each quarter focus on the charm of human body lines and highlight individuality in the public.
Women love beauty very much. They dress up carefully every time they go out, hoping to become more beautiful. So they buy a lot of clothes every season to meet the daily wearing needs.
Every woman has a great demand for clothes, and hopes to dress up more beautiful. For modern women, they prefer to visit brand women's clothing stores, where there are many styles and good quality clothes.
Many girls' dream is to go shopping and buy clothes with money. How happy it should be.
There are many brands in the clothing industry, which can bring you more fashionable and beautiful clothes. Every company has high requirements for clothing design, especially many women's clothing brands.
Women's wear market has a large space for development. After all, everyone has a love of beauty. Women friends pay more attention to their external image, so they have a special preference for fashionable clothes.
There are many fashionable women's clothing brands. In order to meet the needs of more women to buy beautiful clothes, there are also many popular brands in the industry, and the requirements for clothing design and style are quite high.
In the current market, there are various projects waiting for public attention. These projects have a great influence. Some projects that can be based on the market have not been eliminated by the market because of the passage of time, which shows that different projects have different benefits.
Entrepreneurship hotspot
Yang Lan once said, "No one has the obligation to discover your inner world through your untidy appearance."
The survey shows that 22.15% of women never buy the same clothes, and 61.24% of women occasionally buy the same clothes.
An attractive woman knows how to show her own beauty. When she is strong and confident in her heart, she will be able to shine from inside to outside. Every look and smile will be charming.
Gemantine fast fashion women's clothing, with trendy women as the core consumer group, emphasizes value for money, and integrates the brand concept into every aspect of design
Gemantine brand women's wear is a very successful women's wear brand in integrating eastern and western elements and fashion concepts. Since the establishment of the brand, Gemantine brand women's wear has attracted a large number of new and old loyal customers, never forget the original intention, put the quality of products and the interests of consumers first, and won the favor of many consumers.
Market situation
Gomantine brand women's clothing is also in place in terms of advertising support. The headquarters implements the way of online and offline joint publicity, and uses CCTV, satellite TV, magazines, newspapers, portals and other publicity channels to enhance brand influence and make the terminal sales performance of each store soar.
In the streets and alleys, we can see many women's clothing brand franchise stores, which shows that the business of women's clothing is still good, there is not too much cost to open a store. Opening a trendy affordable fast consumer women's clothing franchise store has become the choice of many franchisees. Fast fashion women's clothing franchise. Today, I recommend the Gemantine women's clothing brand, to achieve your dream of a new starting point. Come and have a look!
The new era has been developing rapidly, and clothes are often replaced by ourselves. In addition to pursuing the original function of clothing, modern people have begun to pay more attention to its external style design when choosing clothing.
At present, many friends choose to open stores to start their own businesses, but it is not easy to start their own businesses. Choosing a trustworthy brand requires more extensive investigation and screening.
At the beginning of its establishment, Gemantine Women's Wear created a beautiful vision of creating its own women's wear brand for women. The consumer group is targeted at female friends aged 18-48. They have a deep understanding of the clothing characteristics of the target group, start from their requirements for fashion, and integrate Chinese and western clothing culture to develop and design clothes suitable for every woman.
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