Leatherwear franchise

Leather clothes are clothes made of animal skins, such as cowhide, sheepskin, fish skin and other animal skins, which are processed by a specific process. Because the eyelets of animal skins are breathable, making clothes with them is like adding a layer of skin to people, so its outstanding contribution to human beings is cold prevention. Of course, there are many advantages, such as beauty, nobility, and not easy to get dirty. Since leather clothes are made of leather, special detergent and care agent should be used for their cleaning and care. The pH value of leather cleaner and care agent should be between 5 and 7.5, and it should be oil. As the grease inside the leather coat will volatilize and become hard after being used for a long time, care is needed. The newly invented leather simulated oil leather softening care agent should be used as the care agent. Pay attention to identifying the authenticity when purchasing. The shape of natural leather is not

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