It's better to join a baking shop or open it yourself

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  • 2022-09-19 00:00:00

    Friends are very tangled. Do you know whether it's better to open a bakery or join in? He went to do a survey and found that the majority of consumers are more likely to accept the baking franchise stores. Because the franchise stores have a great brand effect and are more likely to be loved by consumers, he opened a baking franchise store near the community, which is deeply loved by the residents of the community, earning tens of thousands of net income every month.

Ready to bake
  • Investment amount: 10~20 ten thousand
  • Good at classification: baking
  • Help entrepreneurship: 89 persons

Find business opportunities for catering projects and welcome the investment surprise of instant baking. China Franchise Network leads the field of catering brand agency and shares the latest investment information of instant baking with you [More]

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