How much does it cost to join an express company?

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  • 2015-10-19 13:35:58

    It depends on what brand you choose. The new product experience platform of No.1 cabinet is a big brand. The amount of smart choice is 2 million yuan, and the goal can be achieved in one year. Moreover, the franchisee can also become a shareholder to share the listing dividend.

Cabinet 1
  • Investment amount: 100~200 ten thousand
  • Good at classification: Online shop
  • Help entrepreneurship: 200 people

Distribution of franchised brand samples on the No.1 cabinet product experience platform, building a channel for new and unique high-quality products to reach consumers directly in the community, leading the way to a real experience of fun new and unique products, establishing the connection between products and users, building a domestic leading product promotion platform, and becoming a smart choice for the logistics franchise industry [More]

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