How much is the decoration of Zhuoya Beauty Underwear Shop?

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  • A: The decoration of the lingerie store of Zhuoya Beauty depends on the size of the store. Generally, we suggest that the decoration of the 30 ㎡ store should be about 20000. The high counter of the store should wait for the designer to design it. Generally, the 30 ㎡ high counter is about 10000. The specific quotation belongs to the basic business secret of Zhuoya Beauty and should not be disclosed on the Internet. It is suggested that you can visit the company directly. We will estimate for you (there are strict operating standards).

Zhuoya Beauty Underwear
  • Investment amount: 5~10 ten thousand
  • Good at classification: Underwear
  • Help entrepreneurship: 1000 people

Zhuoya Beauty's underwear is of high quality and low price, comfortable, healthy and fashionable. It was founded in 1996, and there are nearly 1000 franchise stores. The whole store of Zhuoya Beauty can open without experience, with zero franchise fee, return and exchange of goods, the headquarters will evaluate the store free of charge, and reimburse the round-trip fare. A thousand yuan gift will be sent immediately after opening, so you can join in quickly [More]

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