Beijing flagship store
Business hours: 10:00-19:00 Monday to Friday, 10:00-20:00 Saturday and Sunday
Address: Zhufaner Super Home Mall, East Area, Xinye Plaza, No. A2, Chengshousi Road, Fengtai District, Beijing
Nearby transportation: Metro: Line 10, Minsi Station, Exit A; Bus: No.300 Outer Ring Road, No.368 Outer Ring Road, No.300 Express Road, No.973 Fangzhuang Bridge East Station.
Shanghai Flagship Store
Business hours: Monday to Sunday: 10:00-22:00
Address: Building 6, SAIC Lingshifang, No. 699, Lingshi Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai
Transportation nearby: Metro: Line 1, Entrance/Exit 1, Shanghai Circus City; Line 8 Qufu Road Exit 4 Bus: No. 210 Wanrong Road Lingshi Road Bus Station
Quotation of building materials
After sales service hotline: 400-835-9611
Decoration service telephone: 18831440620
Monday to Friday: 10:00-19:00 Saturday and Sunday: 10:00-20:00
Jing ICP Bei No. 16001669 - 1
Jinggong Network Anbei No. 11010102005617
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Appointment of decoration service
After the appointment, we will contact you within 24 hours to learn about the decoration needs
phone number