Can honey fight cancer? You need to know these rumors about food and drinks - rebroadcast

Can honey fight cancer? You should know these rumors about food and drinks

2022-11-07 08:00:55 Source: family doctor online

Food is the most important thing for people, and most of the nutrition in the body is obtained from food. However, some foods have been given the highest honor, such as certain foods that can fight cancer, lose weight, detoxify and beautify. In fact, from the perspective of nutrition, the role of food is not as magical as people think.

What are the rumors about food and drinks?

1. Honey Anti tumor

In recent decades, people have been crazy about honey. It is said that honey can detoxify, improve immunity, fight cancer and promote fat metabolism. In fact, the main ingredients in honey are sucrose, fructose and glucose, with the total sugar accounting for about 85%, while minerals, vitamins and other trace elements are not very prominent. It is true that honey contains some active substances, such as protease, amylase and sucrase, but it has no anti-tumor and detoxification effects. Fructose has a good moisture absorption effect. It can quench thirst, moisturize dryness and relieve constipation when drunk with plain boiled water. Patients with hyperuricemia and gout cannot eat honey to avoid increasing blood uric acid, which will worsen the disease.

2. The best calcium supplement for shrimp skin

Every 100 grams of shrimp skin contains 991 mg of calcium, but this is not the best calcium supplement food. Because the shrimp skin is light, only 1~2g is added to the soup; The traditional shrimp skin also contains too much salt. Eating too much can not supplement calcium, but can speed up the loss of calcium. In addition, the shrimp skin cannot be completely chewed, so some calcium in the shrimp skin can be discharged from the body with the undigested residue. If you want to supplement calcium, milk is preferred. It has high calcium content and high absorption and utilization rate. It can also be obtained from green leafy vegetables and bean products.

3. Apple contains the highest vitamin C

In fact, the content of vitamin C in apples is not high. Only 4 mg of vitamin C is contained in 100 grams of apples, which is not as high as that in fresh dates, kiwi fruits and strawberries. However, apples contain flavonoids, pectin and phenolic acids, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and asthma.

4. Celery stem has the highest dietary fiber content

Some people believe that the coarser the taste of vegetables, the higher the dietary fiber content, so celery stem content is the highest. However, the content of dietary fiber in 100g celery stems is only 1.2g, which is not as high as that in celery leaves. In addition, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, garlic moss, flammulina velutipes and fresh shiitake mushrooms contain far more dietary fiber than celery.

5. Red jujube can supplement iron

When it comes to iron supplements, people must think of red dates. However, the iron contained in red dates is non heme iron, and the absorption rate is low, generally only 1%~5%. In addition, the absorption of non heme iron is easily affected by many factors, such as oxalic acid, phytic acid and dietary fiber. If you eat food containing vitamin C at the same time, the absorption of iron will be improved. In fact, the best food for iron supplementation is red meat and animal blood, which is heme iron with high absorption and utilization rate.

6. Banana is the best potassium supplement food

In order to reduce blood pressure, eat more potassium containing foods to fight against sodium ions and assist in lowering blood pressure. Although bananas are rich in potassium, they are high in calories. According to the density of potassium nutrients, bananas are not the best potassium supplement food. The potassium content in 100g bananas only reaches 256 mg, but the calories reach 93 kcal, the density of potassium nutrients is about 2.75, oranges can reach 3.31, and papaya can reach 6.06. In addition, red beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes and millet also contain more potassium.


In addition, drinking vegetable juice can not detoxify and beautify your face, because there is insufficient fat and protein in fruits and vegetables, which provides less energy; Fruit and vegetable juice is rich in potassium, but calcium, iron and zinc are insufficient. At the same time, the sense of satiety is low, which is difficult to solve the problem of hunger. Drinking for a long time will cause malnutrition.

[Editor in charge: h001]

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