Special Louxun

 Vientiane New World Phase II

Wanxiang Xintiandi must see project

Shenzhen Luohu District | 26000 yuan/m2
400-763-1618 turn fifty-three thousand one hundred and sixty-five
Grab special houses
 Baigou Lexianghui

Baigou Lexianghui preferential houses

Xiong'an New Area - Xiong'an New Area | 7000 yuan/m2
400-763-1618 turn ninety-one thousand three hundred and ninety-seven
Grab special houses
 Zhonghai Haiheji

The sea ends in Tibet and gathers here

Shanghai Yangpu | 121000/m2
400-763-1618 turn twenty-six thousand three hundred and seventy-two
Grab special houses
 Hefei Expressway No.1

Lakeside Guimai Pure Mansion

Hefei Binhu New Area | 40000 yuan/m2
400-763-1618 turn sixty thousand three hundred and sixty-six
Grab special houses

whole information

Chongqing summer is coming! Cool Capital Town, a summer resort. How cool is the average temperature of 21 degrees in summer

The total investment of Jiuba Ecological Resort Project is about 6 billion yuan, and the overall planning is about 47 square kilometers, including 3000 mu of construction land. At present, it is the largest tourism resort real estate project in Tongzi. The overall sand table model of our project is surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing south from north, and built along the mountains. The wind and water are particularly good. At 1380 meters above sea level, the average temperature in summer is 22 degrees, and the hottest indoor temperature in summer is 26 degrees. There are 29000 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter in the air, and PM2.5 is below 30 all the year round. Excellent transportation advantage: Chongqing Guizhou High speed Railway takes 50 minutes from Chongqing to Tongzi. More than 30 buses from Tongzi to the project gate seamlessly connect and roll off every day, and it takes only 30 minutes to reach the entrance of the community. It takes only one and a half hours to get home in one stop. There are also two buses to Chongqing every day, so the transportation is convenient. Chongqing Guizhou Expressway is a direct self driving expressway, about 180 km away from the main city of Chongqing, and it takes 2 hours to drive. The supporting facilities project has a 70000 square meter commercial street with a total length of 2.5

Can I buy summer houses in 2024? Traveling real estate will be just in demand. If you don't buy it now, you have to buy it later!

The real estate related data just released in May can be said to be cracked, and chills permeate every real estate employee's heart. Just in need, the market is so desperate to wait and see. Is it possible to buy non just in need of residential properties, especially summer homes? The residential real estate will be just in demand. If you don't buy it now, you have to buy it again. In 2022, the proportion of the elderly aged 65 and above in China will exceed 14%, which means that China is about to enter a "deep aging society". At the same time, China's per capita GDP has exceeded 12500 US dollars, close to the threshold of high-income countries. There is both demand base and economic base. Under the influence of this double superposition, there will still be a very large space for development of the future residential real estate, which also belongs to the category of improved housing supported by the state. For friends in Chongqing, one summer house for each family should be the standard configuration for improving housing and the social currency. Not without. The total investment of Jiuba Ecological Resort Project is about 6 billion yuan, and the overall planning is about 47 square kilometers

It is said that this is a hot summer property around Chongqing. Do you know where it is?

It is said that this is a hot summer property around Chongqing. Do you know where it is? The total investment of Jiuba Ecological Resort Project is about 6 billion yuan, and the overall planning is about 47 square kilometers, including 3000 mu of construction land. At present, it is the largest tourism resort real estate project in Tongzi. The overall sand table model of our project is surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing south from north, and built along the mountains. The wind and water are particularly good. At 1380 meters above sea level, the average temperature in summer is 22 degrees, and the hottest indoor temperature in summer is 26 degrees. There are 29000 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter in the air, and PM2.5 is below 30 all the year round. Excellent transportation advantage: Chongqing Guizhou High speed Railway takes 50 minutes from Chongqing to Tongzi. There are more than 30 buses from Tongzi to the project gate every day to seamlessly connect and start rolling, and it takes only 30 minutes to reach the community gate, and it takes only one and a half hours to get home in one stop. There are also two buses to Chongqing every day, so the transportation is convenient. Chongqing Guizhou Expressway is a direct self driving expressway, away from the main city of Chongqing

Chongqing stove mode goes wild! Here are four good summer dishes that will not leave Chongqing. Interested friends can consult us

Jiuba Ecological Resort Consulting Hotline 400-763-1618 to 12786 Jiuba Tourism is first of all a way of life, committed to giving urban people a different experience of living environment from the city, and a transition and buffer for busy urban life. Once again, the tourism in Jiuba is no longer a sightseeing style of more walking and more seeing, creating a scene based life experience for everyone who comes to Jiuba. Taking advantage of the temperature difference in the mountain, we can also create four seasons for flower viewing, such as cherry blossom and begonia in spring, lush vegetation in summer, maple leaves in autumn, snow scenery in winter, etc., to fully get close to nature, so that everyone can experience a different pastoral life. Interested friends can consult us 400-763-1618 to 12786 Jiuba Ecological Resort is located in Shanbao Village, Jiuba Town, Tongzi County. The overall planning is about 47 square kilometers, and the construction land is about 3000 mu. One hour high-speed railway from Chongqing West Railway Station to Tongzi East Railway Station and Chu Jiu Highway to this project

It's too hot? [Jiuba Ecological Resort Jiuba Impression Taodu Health Preservation Valley] summer resort for all ages around Chongqing, hurry to collect it!

Jiuba Ecological Resort Consulting Hotline 400-763-1618 to 12786 Jiuba Tourism is first of all a way of life, committed to giving urban people a different experience of living environment from the city, and a transition and buffer for busy urban life. Once again, the tourism in Jiuba is no longer a sightseeing style of more walking and seeing, which creates a scene based life experience for everyone who comes to Jiuba. Taking advantage of the temperature difference in the mountain, we can also create four seasons for flower viewing, such as cherry blossom and begonia in spring, lush vegetation in summer, maple leaves in autumn, snow scenery in winter, etc., to fully get close to nature, so that everyone can experience a different pastoral life. Interested friends can follow us or consult 400-763-1618 to 12786 Jiuba Ecological Resort is located in Shanbao Village, Jiuba Town, Tongzi County. The overall planning is about 47 square kilometers, and the construction land is about 3000 mu. The high-speed railway from Chongqing West Railway Station directly reaches Tongzi East Railway Station in one hour, connecting with Chu Jiugong

God! So many people come to summer? Guizhou Jiuba Ecological Resort, a summer resort, must come this summer!

The total investment of Jiuba Ecological Resort Project is about 6 billion yuan, and the overall planning is about 47 square kilometers, including 3000 mu of construction land. At present, it is the largest tourism resort real estate project in Tongzi. The overall sand table model of our project is surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing south from north, and built along the mountains. The wind and water are particularly good. At 1380 meters above sea level, the average temperature in summer is 22 degrees, and the hottest indoor temperature in summer is 26 degrees. There are 29000 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter in the air, and PM2.5 is below 30 all the year round. Excellent transportation advantage: Chongqing Guizhou High speed Railway takes 50 minutes from Chongqing to Tongzi. There are more than 30 buses from Tongzi to the project gate every day to seamlessly connect and start rolling, and it takes only 30 minutes to reach the community gate, and it takes only one and a half hours to get home in one stop. There are also two buses to Chongqing every day, so the transportation is convenient. Chongqing Guizhou Expressway is a direct self driving expressway, about 180 km away from the main city of Chongqing, and it takes 2 hours to drive. The supporting facilities project has a 70000 square meter commercial street with a total length of 2.5

Overview of summer houses - Jiuba Ecological Resort - super cost-effective real estate projects around Chongqing

The total investment of Jiuba Ecological Resort Project is about 6 billion yuan, and the overall planning is about 47 square kilometers, including 3000 mu of construction land. At present, it is the largest tourism resort real estate project in Tongzi. The overall sand table model of our project is surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing south from north, and built along the mountains. The wind and water are particularly good. At 1380 meters above sea level, the average temperature in summer is 22 degrees, and the hottest indoor temperature in summer is 26 degrees. There are 29000 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter in the air, and PM2.5 is below 30 all the year round. Excellent transportation advantage: Chongqing Guizhou High speed Railway takes 50 minutes from Chongqing to Tongzi. More than 30 buses from Tongzi to the project gate seamlessly connect and roll off every day, and it takes only 30 minutes to reach the entrance of the community. It takes only one and a half hours to get home in one stop. There are also two buses to Chongqing every day, so the transportation is convenient. Chongqing Guizhou Expressway is a direct self driving expressway, about 180 km away from the main city of Chongqing, and it takes 2 hours to drive. The supporting facilities project has a 70000 square meter commercial street with a total length of 2.5

Summer Tour Guizhou Tongzi Jiuba Ecological Resort, Nantianmen Tourist Resort | The summer solstice has arrived, please check this "cool" map~

The summer solstice has arrived. Please check this "cool" map~Tongzi County, Zunyi City, which is located at the foot of Loushanguan and the north gate of Guizhou, with an average altitude of 1100 meters. Due to the large altitude difference, the vertical climate changes significantly, "there are four seasons in one mountain, and different days in ten miles". The average temperature of Tongzi County in summer is 25 ℃, and the forest coverage rate is as high as 60%. It is known as "green air conditioning, natural oxygen bar". Tongzi Jiuba Ecological Resort is located in the key health care area of Tongzi County, 1380 meters above sea level, and is an ideal summer resort. The resort integrates the functions of tourism residence, health convalescence and agricultural sightseeing, with the overall design planning reaching 47 square kilometers. At present, nearly 100 farmhouses and various summer activities have been developed along the route, attracting more than 100000 migrant birds every year. Nantianmen Tourist Resort is located at the top of Nanfeng Mountain, the northern part of Dalou Mountains, Podu Town, Tongzi County. The average annual temperature of the resort is 23 ℃

Jiuba Ecological Resort -- a popular summer resort in Chongqing; summer house in Jiuba Ecological Resort in Tongzi, Guizhou

Jiuba Ecological Resort, a popular summer resort in Chongqing, Guizhou Tongzi Jiuba Ecological Resort Summer House Watching Phone 400-763-1618 to 22589 Jiuba Ecological Resort Project Location: Jiuba Town, Tongzi Project Size: about 7000 mu Project Altitude: 1350 meters Climate: summer temperature 23 ℃ Transportation: about 180 kilometers, good road conditions, self driving about two hours, 20 km from Tongzi Chumi Expressway to the project; The high-speed railway costs 67 yuan an hour to Tongzi East Station, and then transfers to the project bus (4-km hub station) for half an hour - direct access to the project supporting facilities: the project supporting facilities are mature, including commercial streets, supermarkets, farmers' markets, hospitals, sports venues, children's parks, and Baihuayuan hotels Property right nature: 70 years of great property rights (online signature) Business type of the project: five storey ladder western-style house nine storey elevator western-style house main house type: single room supporting, one room and one hall area

Chongqing Jiuba Ecological Resort House Type Chart_Address_View Details

Chongqing Jiuba Ecological Resort _ consultation telephone 400-763-1618 to 78440 Jiuba Ecological Resort is located in Jiuba Town, northwest of Tongzi County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, 17 kilometers away from Tongzi County. It is adjacent to Xishui County and Yelang Town in the north, Loushanguan Town in the south, Gaoqiao Town in the west and Chumi Town in the east. Belonging to the Dalou Mountain, with an altitude of 1350 meters, it is a rare mountain flat with a very flat terrain. The average temperature in summer is about 23 ° C. It is the back garden of Chongqing people and a summer resort! The main city of Chongqing is 180 kilometers away from the project. Take G75 Ba'nan Expressway, get off Chumi Road, and go up the mountain along Chujiu Road. The road is very good. It takes two and a half hours by car to get there. One hour from Chongqing North Railway Station and Chongqing West Railway Station to Tongzi East Railway Station, and bus No.201 from the exit of Tongzi East Railway Station directly to the community; The traffic is very convenient! Jiuba Ecological Resort has supporting businesses in Gaoshan Town - 80000 square meters of commercial street catering, super

Jiuba Ecological Tourism Town in Tongzi, Guizhou, Chongqing's favorite summer resort

Jiuba Ecological Tourism Town Project Location: Jiuba Town, Tongzi Project Volume: about 7000 mu Project Altitude: 1350 meters Climate: summer temperature 23 ℃ Transportation: self driving for about 180 kilometers, about two hours, 20 kilometers from Tongzi Chumi Expressway to the project; The high-speed railway costs 67 yuan an hour to Tongzi East Station, and then transfers to the project bus (4-km hub station) for half an hour - direct access to the project supporting facilities: the project supporting facilities are mature, with commercial streets, supermarkets, farmers' markets, hospitals, sports venues, children's parks, Baihuayuan hotels (real market town supporting facilities) Property rights: 70 years of great property rights (online signature) Main type of nine storey elevator house: single room, one room, one hall Area range: 23~56 square meters Average price of clean water construction surface: 3800~4800 Total price of house: from 120000 yuan (fine decoration) Many scenic spots around are flat, leisure and entertainment facilities are complete, and various sports facilities

This summer, we will meet in Shanbao Village, Jiuba Ecological Resort, and enjoy the cool of a pool

There are some conditions you need to know to buy a summer home. You should study these aspects without regret! 1. It must depend on the altitude. There are more and more summer shelters in different areas at different altitudes. How to choose a group? The altitude between 1200-1400 is the most suitable for human habitation. It is not cool in July and August when the summer is hottest when the altitude is lower than 1200. The elderly with chronic diseases, especially heart disease, can not withstand the high pressure. The best altitude is suitable for themselves and their families. When you look at the house, you can download an altimeter that can accurately measure the altitude on the spot. Jiuba Ecological Resort is 1380 meters above sea level, with an average temperature of about 22 degrees in summer, warm in winter and cool in summer. 2. Traffic is also a very important factor. You can't just consider the convenience of driving. It mainly focuses on public transportation. Is there any bus? How many buses will there be tomorrow and how long will the departure time be? Can the high-speed railway reach. There will be 16 high-speed trains here in Jiuba tomorrow, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. also

Jiuba Impression in Tongzi, Guizhou, a 1000 mu international forest health resort town, with a total price of 165000 yuan and 34-74 m2 of existing houses

1000 mu international forest health resort town, with a total price of 165000 yuan, enjoys 34-74 m2 of existing houses, the cicada noise forest is more quiet, and the birdsong mountain is more secluded. Here, there are 1000 mu of private virgin forest; Here, there is an international gold altitude of 1250 meters; Here, there are 7 kilometers of hiking trails; Here, listen to the birds singing in the clear spring, watch the rising sun and setting moon; Here, the 800000 square super forest market has 16500 harmonious neighborhoods and beautiful living quarters... One hour from here, you can have a 21 ° villa with mountains. One of the only three Chinese British low-carbon ecological demonstration towns in the country, the national 5A level health care demonstration base, the hometown of longevity for centenarians in northern Guizhou, the most beautiful ecological demonstration project specially approved by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development of Guizhou Province [climb the top of a 1000 mu primeval forest, watch the rising and falling of the sun and the moon with your partner at a golden altitude of 1250 meters.] Breathe oxygen [enter a 21 ° forest, breathe 30000 negative oxygen ions. Feel the green moss

It's summer in Chongqing, and uncles and aunts who are still looking at the summer house come to visit us on the spot

As Chongqing is getting hotter, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters who haven't bought a summer house yet, Yang Yang has brought us a summer house with high cost performance today -- Jiuba Ecological Resort 400-763-1618 to 12786, I believe this is definitely a good choice for you. The summer house, the summer house, first is the summer house, second is the house. So how can we meet the demand for summer vacation? This is absolutely the first consideration for buying a summer vacation room. If we buy a summer vacation room, we also need to stay indoors and blow air conditioners all day in summer, just like in Chongqing, then this room is totally unnecessary. As we all know, too much air conditioning is definitely bad for the human body. As for what problems will happen, we can also learn on the Internet, such as dry skin, muscle pain, decreased immunity, etc. So that we can have a good body

Why do more and more people choose Jiuba Ecological Resort as a summer resort, a summer house in Guizhou, and the total price of existing houses for decoration in Jiuba Ecological Resort is only 159000 yuan

Why do more and more people choose Jiuba Ecological Resort as a summer resort, Guizhou summer house. The total price of existing houses in Jiuba Ecological Resort is only 159000 yuan. The official phone number of the project tour is 400-763-1618 to 78440. The elements of summer house shopping: high altitude, convenient life, high-speed rail and public transport, and the terrain is very flat! From the aerial view of the busiest commercial street in Jiuba, it is worth recommending: from the aerial view of Xianggui Garden Community in Jiuba Ecological Resort, the summer house in Jiuba Ecological Resort is located in Jiuba, Tongzi, Guizhou, 175 kilometers away from the main city of Chongqing. It takes 2.5 hours by car, and it takes 1 hour by mountain road or high-speed railway to Tongzi East Station. Instead, it costs 25 yuan by taxi (or 201 bus) The bus 201 from Tongzi East Railway Station to Chongqing and Chengdu is the special bus from Tongzi East Railway Station to Jiuba Shanbao Village. It costs 10 yuan to get on and off the bus, and the bus runs on time every day. 201 shuttle bus 201 bus stop

Tongzi Jiuba Impression, the original mountain forest, pine forest, bamboo forest and green sea in the project, as well as fig, taxus and other valuable trees, are the first choice for summer health

Jiuba Impression is the first high-end leisure and vacation project built by Tongzi. It is located in Jiuba Town, Tongzi County, Guizhou Province, adjacent to the town government of Jiuba Town. Jiuba Impression, relying on the elevation difference of mountains, cherishes each other with slopes, and builds by taking advantage of each other. The retrogradation architecture raises the vision, has better permeability, and is easy to form a landscape area with different levels. In the project, the original mountain forest, pine forest, bamboo forest and green sea, as well as fig, yew and other valuable tree species, run through the natural ecological landscape corridor in the north and south of the project. Tongzi County, where Jiuba is located, is rich in tourism resources. The main scenic spots are Liangfengya Provincial Forest Park, Xinzhanhuaba, West Lake, Loushanguan, etc. The surrounding tourism resources are rich, adding a different style to your leisure and vacation life. Villa: With the concept of "combining nature with humanity", a Spanish style villa class villa community will be built, with a large free area and convenient transportation: only 12 kilometers away from Tongzi County. The high-speed railway is 168km away from the main city of Chongqing, and is located in Chongqing for 2 hours

Yidu Jiuba Impression is 1 hour away from the main urban area of Chongqing, 800000 square meters of super forest, 1250 meters above sea level, an original ecological private 10000 mu forest

Yidu Jiuba Impression One hour away from the main urban area of Chongqing, 800000 square meters of super forest, 1250 meters above sea level, the original ecological private 10000 mu forest, enjoying 21 ℃ in summer, the most beautiful Chinese British low-carbon ecological demonstration town (only 5 in China), the national 5A level health care demonstration base, the hometown of longevity for centenarians in northern Guizhou, Guizhou Province, the Housing and Construction Department of Guizhou Province, specially approved the most beautiful ecological demonstration project, Phase I, Group II, to grandly promote the existing houses, Existing homes! It's more reassuring to see the real scene! Area: 34-72 square meters Total price: 160000-500000 Free area: about 30% Address: Jiuba Town, Tongzi, Guizhou. The live scene beside the government is displayed here, not only to find a cool place, but also to have a bonfire party with the neighbors, watch an open-air movie, sit around with family, eat good wine and food, fish with friends by the light, and enjoy endless swimming pools for camping, barbecue and lovers, Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountain and return to the pastoral life, experience self cultivation and self entertainment or enjoy the forest with children, and go through the original ecology in the jungle

Tongzi Jiuba Impression, enjoy 1250 meters of gold altitude, livable Spanish style villa level villa!

Tongzi Jiuba Impression | Enjoy 1250 meters of gold altitude, livable Spanish style villa level houses, prosperous and quiet, health care * * Lexuan Jiuba Impression is located in Jiuba Ecological Tourism Town, Tongzi County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, known as the "gateway to northern Guizhou, the bridgehead of Guizhou Chongqing economy, and the hometown of Chinese bamboo shoots". The project is located at a golden altitude of 1250 meters, with an average temperature of about 21 degrees in summer, which is most suitable for human living and health care. It will not affect the summer effect because of the low altitude, nor will it cause excessive temperature difference and humidity in the morning and evening because of the high altitude. The community is backed by primitive forests, with a forest coverage rate of more than 80% and negative oxygen ions of 30000/cm3, which is very beneficial to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems. The image of Jiuba is surrounded by the original coniferous forest. 90% of the forest coverage rate and 60% of the green area make you drunk when you look at the sky. The petals of the sunshine in the morning and the rain last night are ten thousand reasons for you to get up early

Chongqing has a high temperature of 40 degrees in summer. Chongqing people are sure to come out for summer. Jiuba Ecological Resort Chongqing Summer Garden.

Chongqing's summer brings 40 degrees of heat! It has a stuffy feeling! As a "stove", the summer of Chongqing is different from that of other places. As long as the summer in other places comes to night, there will be a cooling phenomenon, that is, the temperature in ordinary places will drop at night, and you will feel not hot at night, and there will be a cool breeze. But Chongqing is different from these places! The temperature in Chongqing at night will not fall but rise, and the high temperature will also bring a stream of humid heat to hit you. It is believed that the bad summer is the pain in the hearts of many Chongqing citizens! Muggy may be the key word of chongqing summer. it's muggy before rain and muggy when going out at night. It's wet and hot anyway, so many Chongqing citizens like to go out for summer vacation in summer, ranging from 1-2 months to 3-4 months. There are many places to spend summer vacation. Some people choose mountains and others choose the seaside. There will be long lines at bus stations, railway stations and highway intersections before and after the summer solstice

If you don't want to go to Huangshui or Sumadang in Nantian Lake in summer, come to Jiuba Ecological Resort to make a home. 1360 meters above sea level, all existing buildings are directly accessible by high-speed rail and bus!

The summer resort is not going to Huangshui, not going to Nantian Lake, Sumadang, and Jiuba. All existing houses are 1360 meters above sea level. High speed rail and high-speed bus can directly lead to high-quality summer life. 300000 yuan is spent on buying a villa, courtyard, courtyard, backyard, buying a house, giving a free ride to the ecological leisure resort in Jiuba, a summer resort town with an altitude of 1380 meters. The overall planning area of the ecological leisure resort in Jiuba, a summer resort town, is 47.44 square kilometers, and the planned construction area is 210 hectares. The product system of the planning area includes sightseeing tourism products (landscape sightseeing, pastoral sightseeing, ice and snow sightseeing), leisure tourism products (rural leisure, lakeside leisure, outdoor leisure), vacation tourism products (summer vacation, health vacation) and special tourism products (outdoor exploration, outward bound training, archaeological tourism, red cultural tourism and wedding photography). Tourism products include summer vacation, health vacation, outdoor expansion, pastoral sightseeing, red experience, skiing and grass skiing). Location of Jiuba Ecological Leisure Resort: summer residential buildings around Chongqing, Chongqing Price: 4200 yuan/

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