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[Know the network] What are the common problems in website optimization

There are many ways to optimize websites. Websites of different industries, different target customers, and different website types have many differences since they were established. When optimizing the website, it is inevitable that due to negligence, wrong optimization methods or different optimization ideas, the website will eventually have many problems that are not friendly to search engines and users. What are the common problems of website optimization?


1. Too many advertisements on the website

Proper placement of advertisements will not have a great impact on visitors. However, the fact is that few websites can grasp the temptation of "advertising profit". Individual websites of e-commerce forums launch advertising alliances, and enterprise websites add visitors' business links and pop-up windows. It is often seen that websites have dropped all the places where advertisements can be arranged, such as the top of the whole station, the sidebar, the floating window, the pop-up window, and the content page, which makes it difficult for visitors to browse content but blind to advertisements. The repeated visits of such stations can be imagined, which greatly hurt the user experience. At the same time, we all know the actual revenue of the webmaster advertising alliance.

2. The website pursues special effects

The most common situation is that when you click on a website, you will return a slide that lasts more than ten seconds or more, and visitors cannot fast forward without looking at it. Some websites also use Flash and advertising special effects in their content. I will not comment on the effect of this method, but if it is not some special websites, the negative effect of this pursuit of special effects is to delay page loading time and spend visitors' time, resulting in a high bounce rate.

3. Spend a lot of time sending garbage out of the chain

The external chain needs to be developed and maintained well. Many people know that the external chain is not the more the better, but should pursue quality.

4. Update confusion of different columns

Whether it is an enterprise station, a forum or a personal website, that is, there are different columns, then the content updates should be classified into different categories, so that the contents of different columns have their own characteristics for users to browse. However, most of the time, the content after the update is completely confused, which also has a lot to do with the inadequate setting of column division when the site was built. The direct result is that when you need to find a certain type of content, you don't know which column to publish.

5. The article is full of words and without emphasis

This is related to personal writing level and habits. In many cases, things that can be described clearly in a hundred words are hard to express only after hundreds of words are dragged, which completely violates the principle of clear and concise content. Most visitors don't have enough patience to read it completely. Even if they stay to check it, they will definitely have a bad impression. The consequence is 100% high jump and poor return visit.

6. Website content layout follows the old routine

Different websites should set up layouts that are easy for target audiences and search engine friendly according to their own industry characteristics, and add more creative and user friendly ways.

7. There are too many target keywords on the website

When setting website keywords, many website managers think that "the more keywords set, the more opportunities for ranking". The reasonable setting of the number of key words on a website should be based on the size of the website and the status quo of the data. It is not the more the better, but the more accurate the better. Otherwise, the number of keyword settings is too large, which may be due to the lack of monitoring and promotion, and the optimization is too decentralized, resulting in the failure to push up a single keyword.

8. Let visitors find the content they need at the first time

Let visitors know when they visit the website that there is something they need, but it will take some (acceptable) time to achieve the goal. In this way, you can avoid the increase of bounce rate and the stickiness of the website will be good.

9. Mobile end adaptation is not open

Today, mobile search is fast cannibalizing the PC traffic market. If your website is not suitable for open mobile adaptation, you must face elimination.

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