Hello, welcome to the official website of Zhuhai Grand Cloud Cleaning and Insect Control Technology Co., Ltd
More than 10 years of focus Termite control, pest killing and epidemic prevention industry service One stop service for termite prevention in government agencies, garden farms, enterprises, individual families, newly built houses and decoration
National hotline: 4001-0567-10
Four reasons to choose us

Focused on termite control industry for more than 20 years

Free on-site inspection
The termite control center sends insect control engineers to visit the site quickly to investigate the environmental characteristics of the customer's site.
Know the area affected by termite pests and other pests or confirm the area for disinfection and epidemic prevention services. Timely make notes and videos to record the site conditions, so as to prepare for the formulation of termite control plan.
Free pest control solutions
The termite control center shall analyze the inducement, species and density of pests.
Provide customers with suggestions on improving protective measures, prevention frequency, operation mode and follow-up service guarantee. Put forward the operation time, reagent type and instrument type. Cost accounting and quotation of overall pest control.
Integrated pest management of internal and external environment
The termite control center provides integrated internal and external environment control services to control the density of pests, and there is no rebound after application.
Strictly control and control urban health pests (cockroaches, mice, mosquitoes, flies, ants, bedbugs). Comprehensive control of building materials, building pests (termites, beetles), and green plant pests (trees, grass, flowers, pests).
Attentive VIP services to ensure the quality of environmental governance services
The termite control center has higher requirements for pest control service than the national pest service standard! It is harmless to human body.
Provide operation record sheet, record details of operation drugs, operation area and operation method in detail. Establish customer service tracking files, collect service return visit, density monitoring, and efficacy evaluation data. Implement the integration of service, supervision, return visit and follow-up to ensure the effect of pest control.
Prevention cases

About us ABOUT US

At present, Zhuhai Termite Prevention and Control Center Station has gathered a group of nearly 100 knowledgeable experts, senior and intermediate technicians, who have professional work permits from Guangdong Termite Society, vice president and secretary-general of Zhuhai Termite Prevention and Control Industry Association, who provide termite prevention services for newly built houses and house decoration Carry out termite control quality inspection and disinfection and epidemic prevention scientific research work; Popularization of new termite control technology and new drugs; Provide pest control masters Jinding Town, Tangjia Town, Qianshan Town, Nanping Town, Wanchai, Guishan Town, Wanshan Town, Dangan Town, Baijiao Town, Qianwu Town, Doumen District, Lianzhou Town, Jing'an Town, Nanshui Town, Sanzao Town, Jinwan District, Gaolan Port, Hengqin New Free Trade Zone, High tech Zone, Xiawan Jida Gongbei, Xiangzhou Hongwanpu Town, Nantou Town, Dongfeng Town, Fusha Town, Xiaolan Town Guzhen Town, Henglan Town, Sanjiao Town, Gangkou Town, Dayong Town, Shaxi Town, Sanxiang Town, Banfu Town, Shenwan Town, Tanzania

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