Urumqi Huazhang Brilliant Night Dance Rhyme Singing Soul Painting Xinjiang

2024-06-17 00:26:24 Source: Shiliuyun/Xinjiang Daily Editor in charge: Li Xiang

Shiliuyun/Xinjiang Daily (reporter Guo Qian reported) Singing praises hometown and dancing bless the motherland. When singing and dancing are perfectly integrated, it conveys profound and moving beauty and harmony as poetic and picturesque, stirring people's hearts and making people intoxicated... On the evening of June 14, Urumqi held the art exhibition of building a solid community of the Chinese nation.

On June 14, "Flowers Blossom · Dancing Tianshan Mountain" - the art performance scene of building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation. Photographed by Wu Xuan

During the performance, "Love of Green Water and Green Mountains" made people feel the rhythm of galloping horses on the grassland; The Girl Chasing the Sun depicts the positive spirit of Xinjiang women... Musician Chen Ziwen brought the song Beautiful Xinjiang, and musician An Mingliang brought the song Love in Urumqi.

"It's worth seeing and immersing yourself in the charm of Xinjiang's song and dance, which is very shocking." In the audience, Liu Shuhan, a tourist from Shanghai, said that she and her family came to Xinjiang for tourism and listened to friends in Urumqi say that there are performances here, especially to watch.

"To enjoy such a high-quality dance performance is not only for learning, but also for enjoyment." Maila Maimaiti, the cultural specialist of Bayi Sub district Office in Shaibak District, Urumqi, came to watch the performance with the community dance team. She said that there were 26 art teams in the street, and the team members helped and learned from each other in the process of daily activities, and established deep feelings.

On June 14, "Flowers Blossom · Dancing Tianshan Mountain" - the art performance scene of building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation. Photographed by Wu Xuan

Shi Ming, chairman of Urumqi Musicians and Dancers Association, said that the performance brought together the collision and integration of different styles of dance, demonstrated Xinjiang's cultural heritage and era style in a way of combining innovation and tradition, and inspired more people to love their hometown. At the same time, the performance is also a vivid practice of deepening the publicity and education of building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation, telling Xinjiang stories and Chinese stories with new content, new interaction and new forms of singing and dancing, so that people of all ethnic groups can appreciate the breadth, depth and richness of Chinese culture, and inspire the spirit of all ethnic groups to forge ahead in a new journey and contribute to a new era.

The exhibition was hosted by the Publicity Department of Urumqi Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism (the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics), and the Municipal Bureau of Education.

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