The processing time is reduced to 5 minutes. Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone promotes cross-border RMB settlement facilitation

2024-06-13 23:25:24 Source: Shiliuyun/Xinjiang Daily Editor in charge: Chen Zedong

Shiliuyun/Xinjiang Daily (reporter Wang Yongfei reported) On June 13, under the guidance of the Xinjiang Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and other departments, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region's self-discipline mechanism for foreign exchange and cross-border RMB exhibition released the Implementation Opinions on the Facilitation of Cross border RMB Settlement of High quality Enterprises in China (Xinjiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone. On the same day, Bank of China Xinjiang Branch realized the first launch of cross-border RMB settlement facilitation business in Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone, and the business processing time was reduced from 1 to 3 days to 5 minutes.

Li Jing, General Manager of the Transaction Banking Department of Bank of China Xinjiang Branch, introduced that after the release of the Opinions, member banks will directly handle cross-border settlement of goods and services trade, foreign capital, cross-border financing Cross border RMB businesses, such as the repatriation of capital raised from overseas listing and the domestic use of RMB income from capital projects, do not need to submit authenticity certification materials one by one in advance, which greatly reduces the settlement time of high-quality enterprises.

As the leading bank of the self-discipline mechanism for foreign exchange and cross-border RMB trade in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Bank of China Xinjiang Branch actively implemented the requirements of the implementation of the Opinions, actively contacted high-quality enterprises in Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone, publicized policies related to cross-border RMB facilitation in Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone, and made preparations for business implementation.

On the same day, Bank of China Xinjiang Branch handled the first cross-border RMB income facilitation business under export goods trade for Urumqi Maiteniang International Trade Co., Ltd. "We exported plumbing building materials to Hong Kong. It took only five minutes to receive a payment of 686000 yuan, greatly improving the efficiency of capital settlement. The business environment of Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone is getting better and better, and we have more confidence in doing international trade well," said Fang Yijia, the company's head.

In the future, Bank of China Xinjiang Branch will continue to follow up the list of high-quality enterprises, conduct dynamic adjustment and evaluation, provide a wealth of cross-border RMB settlement products, and let more enterprises in Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone enjoy cross-border RMB settlement facilitation services according to the production and operation of foreign-related enterprises in Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone and cross-border RMB settlement, Better serve the overseas enterprises in Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone to go global.

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