The hardest hit area of forced labor! The United States has no right to gossip about other countries

2024-06-13 19:25:42 Source: Issued by Xinjiang Editor in charge: Chen Zedong
Under the guise of human rights, the United States has committed the old habit of imposing illegal sanctions on Chinese enterprises again!

The US Department of Homeland Security issued a statement on June 11, listing three Chinese enterprises on the "forced labor list" and prohibiting the import of their products on the grounds of alleged "forced Uighur labor".

As we all know, the United States has a mountain of domestic problems. If the United States really cares about human rights issues, it should take measures to effectively address domestic chronic diseases such as racial discrimination, gun violence, and drug abuse, instead of treating internal diseases and treating external ones, and imposing arbitrary interference and sanctions on other countries.

Source: China Daily Author @ Meng Mengg

Not long ago, Bloomberg News published a report entitled "American Enterprises Never Give up Forced Labor", which disclosed how the U.S. government and enterprises use prisoners to carry out forced labor and create income for enterprises and the government. The gravity of forced labor under the "twin beacon" is beyond even the American media. It is time for the United States to face up to and solve its problem of forced labor.

For a long time, the United States, as a "human rights defender" and a "moral judge", has been able to attack public opinion, discredit morality, frame up politics, and impose economic sanctions, wielding the "human rights baton" wantonly, accusing other countries of violating "human rights standards", turning a blind eye to its own serious problems of large-scale violations of human rights, and packaging itself as pure and flawless Perfect "beautiful country".

Take the issue of forced labour for example. In recent years, the United States has ignored the facts, reversed the black and the white, talked about the so-called "forced labor" and prohibited the import of any products related to Xinjiang. Its essence is to create "forced unemployment" and "forced poverty" in Xinjiang, and seek to undermine the prosperity and stability of Xinjiang and curb China's development.

In order to achieve its shameless goal, the United States has done everything it can to spread rumors about the existence of "forced labor" in Xinjiang, but in fact, it is the United States itself that really engages in "forced labor".

An Associated Press survey this year found that dozens of well-known companies, including Cargill and Coca Cola, have prison labor in their supply chains. In the view of Jennifer Turner, an American researcher, prison labor is a "unique mandatory" labor. The products with the nature of "forced labor" produced by these American companies should really be resisted by people all over the world!

The so-called beacon of human rights does not illuminate America's own dark history, and the guns in the American human rights toolbox never aim at its own social ills. From the wholesale sale of black slaves and Chinese laborers in history to the forced labor in agriculture today, Those who have ghosts in their hearts will feel that others have ghosts, and it is natural that the United States planted booty and slandered other countries on human rights.

Compared with the United States in the hard hit areas of forced labor, the labor employment security policies and practices in Xinjiang, China, are in line with the Chinese Constitution and laws, international labor and human rights standards, and the strong desire of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang to live a better life, benefiting the people's livelihood, following the public opinion, and winning the hearts of the people. Anyone who has really been to Xinjiang and knows about Xinjiang knows that the existence of "forced labor" in Xinjiang is an out and out political lie.

Like a rag with holes in it, the United States has long been known for its "double standards" approach. The United States still holds this fig leaf, which cannot cover up its own crimes, as a treasure, It's just deceiving yourself like a cover up, just the hypocritical nature of American human rights, just a trick to bully domestic people and engage in hegemonism abroad.

A few days ago, the Information Office of the State Council of China released the 2023 Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States, which further revealed the true nature of human rights in the United States with a large number of firm facts. The United States should solve its own serious problems as soon as possible instead of gossiping about other countries, pointing fingers and wielding sticks!

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