Zhaxigang Village, Lulang Town, Bayi District, Linzhi City, Tibet Autonomous Region - weaving a picture of beautiful mountain residence (walking into traditional villages)

2024-06-09 15:53:58 Source: People's Daily Editor in charge: Patty Guri Yasen

Picture ①: Summer scenery of Zhaxigang Village grassland.

Picture ②: Zhaxigang Village villagers in national costumes walk along the village path.

Picture ③: The exterior view of the farmhouse coffee house on the alpine ranch of Zhaxigang Village.

Picture ④: Local villagers are taking part in an archery competition at the Gongbu Pastoral Tourism Culture Festival.

Picture ⑤: Zhaxigang Village after snow.

Figures ① to ⑤ are photos and reports of Qiongda Zhuoga and Yao Li

Picture ⑥: Zhaxigang Village embraced by mountains.

Photographed by our reporter Qiongda Zhuoga

Zhaxigang Village, Lulang Town, Bayi District, Linzhi City, Tibet Autonomous Region is located in a narrow strip of plateau mountain meadow. The green mountains on both sides form an endless Lulang forest sea from low to high, which is composed of shrubs, dense spruce, pine trees, etc. There are neat meadows between the green mountains. Here, the streams are winding, flowers are in full bloom, and wooden fences and wooden houses are interspersed. Together with the snow mountains in the distance and the nearby forest, they form a peaceful and beautiful "mountain living map". In 2016, Zhaxigang Village was included in the fourth batch of Chinese traditional villages.


Drive out of Linzhi City, Tibet Autonomous Region, travel about 70 kilometers east along the Sichuan Tibet Highway, climb over the Sejila Mountain, which is more than 4700 meters above sea level, pass through the green and deep forest sea, continue to climb down the mountain, and soon come to Lulang International Tourism Town, where Zhaxigang Village is located.

First sight

Colorful mountains and canyons in all seasons

Overlooking Zhaxigang Village from a high place, I can see that the whole village is built along the mountain, with thin clouds like fog on the top of the snow mountain, and on the hillside as green as a barrier. The farmhouse attic is well arranged. The grass around the attic is green, and the brook is babbling. The Lulang forest behind the village is verdant, and the thick green is mixed with clusters of powder, which makes a lively and brilliant display.

Zhaxigang Village is a small village, which governs two natural villages, Zhaxigang and Zhongmai, with an average elevation of 3300 meters. Walking along the narrow path in the village, the children's reading sounds and the old people's happy laughter in the teahouse came to my ears. In spring and summer, the energy stored for a long time between heaven and earth bloomed, and Zhaxigang Village became a paradise full of vitality. Peach flowers, Gesang flowers, azaleas, etc. seem to have spread in the meadow, forest, lake and mountain overnight, putting on colorful flower clothes for Zhaxigang Village.

In autumn and winter, Zhaxigang Village will usher in the most dense season of clouds. The clouds are steaming up, the clouds are curling around the mountains, and the snow peaks are looming... The most beautiful thing is the alpine pastures in winter. In the white snow, the yaks are leisurely walking to find food. The distant green forest is covered with a layer of silver clothing. Against the backdrop of the mountains, the momentum is more powerful, quite a bit of "forest sea and snow field" style.

Look back

The Ancient Tea Horse Road has a long history

An ancient tea horse road, along the rugged mountain road, crosses the trickling streams and vast forests, connecting Zhaxigang Village with the outside world.

The Ancient Tea Horse Road originated from the tea horse trade in the Tang and Song Dynasties, with the Sichuan Tibet Line and the Yunnan Tibet Line as the two main routes. Among them, the Yunnan Tibet line starts from Pu'er, the tea town of Yunnan in the south, and enters Tibet through Dali and Lijiang. Zhaxigang Village is an important stop on this long road. For thousands of years, this road has connected Zhaxigang Village to all aspects of communication with the outside world, and also shaped the richness and inclusiveness of Lulang culture.

"Historically, mule and horse caravans marched year after year on this ancient snowy mountain road with an average altitude of 4000 meters, bringing valuable tea and other materials to thousands of households in Tibet." Qi Meiciren, head of Lulang Town, said that now, relying on the Sichuan Tibet and Yunnan Tibet highways, cities and towns all over the country have accelerated their urbanization process, and a large number of emerging cities and towns such as Lulang have grown rapidly. The numerous natural and cultural landscapes along the Sichuan Tibet and Yunnan Tibet highways have also attracted numerous tourists, making these towns more and more lively.


Culture and tourism integration and orderly development

The beautiful natural scenery and strong historical heritage are mutually created, which together form the rich tourism and cultural resources of Zhaxigang Village.

As one of the earliest tourism development villages in Tibet, Zhaxigang Village has a profound tourism foundation. 52 out of 68 families here have opened "family hotels". Just entering the village, people will always be attracted by a bright and beautiful three storey Tibetan small building, which is the family hotel of Baima village. There are two floors in Baima's house. Entering the yard, the main building is opposite the door. The three storey white stone house shows the thick traces of years. Entering the stone house, you can see that the first floor is a Tibetan kitchen and reception hall, in which many handicrafts with traditional characteristics are placed for tourists to enjoy. The second and third floors are the master's rooms, which follow the local traditional residential style.

On the side of the main building is a three storey building with modern style, which is mainly used for tourists' accommodation. Each guest room has its own bathroom, bath area and wireless network. "Now tourists are demanding more and more, and we should also keep pace with the times," Baima said.

Most of the buildings in the village are brightly colored, which is more eye-catching in the pure natural mountain scenery. "Most of the newly built houses are of reinforced cement structure, but they retain the characteristics of geotextile on the roof of the house." Baima introduced that Linzhi was called "geotextile" in ancient times. In the early days, the main materials of the residential building walls in this area were mainly stone and clay. The stone stacked walls were plastered with mud and then painted with lime slurry. "At the same time, we also kept the field fence, so that visitors can better feel the pastoral scenery on the plateau."

In order to better protect the ancient village, the local government has continuously increased investment in recent years, and gradually achieved equalization in public services such as water, electricity, and electricity; At the same time, guide the villagers to protect the traditional characteristics of the village and protect the beautiful home. "In 2023, Zhaxigang Village will receive more than 225000 tourists and realize a total tourism income of more than 12 million yuan. Next, we will strengthen the protection of village buildings and traditional skills in Zhaxigang Village, deeply study and explore the connotation and value of historical and cultural resources, develop intangible cultural heritage projects such as Zhanianqin, industrial clothing, and Xiangjian, promote the positive interaction between historical and cultural heritage protection and tourism development, and let cultural heritage live. " Qi Meiciren said.

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