Kashgar launched the 25th party conduct and clean government education month series activities

2023-07-24 19:03:40 Source: Gao He, Correspondent of Liu Mengxin, Chief Reporter of Kashi Daily Editor in charge: Patty Guri Yasen

Strengthening Party spirit, abiding by discipline and improving work style

Kashgar launched the 25th party conduct and clean government education month series activities

Since the launch of the 25th party conduct and clean government education month, party organizations at all levels throughout the region have carried out a series of party conduct and clean government education activities around the theme of "strengthening the party spirit, abiding by discipline, and improving the style of work", creating a strong atmosphere of upholding integrity and upholding morality, resisting corruption and preventing corruption, and promoting comprehensive development from strict governance of the party, building a clean party conduct, and fighting corruption in depth by month.


On July 7, Kashgar held the mobilization meeting of the 25th Party conduct and clean government education month. Photographed by Chen Zhaolin, reporter of Kashi Daily

Organize and carry out incorrupt party classes, watch warning education videos... In recent days, with the issuance of the "mobilization order" of the education month by the prefectural party committee, party organizations at all levels in the whole region have taken active action, taken the lead in implementing the "first issue" system, paid close attention to learning, carried out warning education, gave special party classes on incorrupt government, strengthened discipline education, family style education, and improved the style of cadres.


Shache County Financial Media Center held a forum on "building a good family style and helping families".

The Supervision Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Shache County, together with the County Financial Media Center, carried out the activity of "anchor telling honesty" around "telling good family stories and promoting honesty culture", spread honesty culture with voice, and create a good atmosphere of telling honesty, building new style, and eulogizing good family stories in the county. Focusing on corruption in the field of engineering projects, the county held a conference on anti-corruption education in the field of engineering projects, carried out anti-corruption education for the heads of industry units and engineering project companies, and built a strong ideological defense against corruption. The People's Hospital of the county reported the investigation and treatment of typical cases in the medical and health field in recent years, and educated and guided cadres and workers to learn lessons from cases, so as to learn from cases.


Shufu county education system "study and implement the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, honesty with our bank" theme speech contest site.

After the "revision and upgrading" of the warning education base in Shufu County, the timeliness, pertinence and effectiveness of the anti-corruption education content have been comprehensively improved, and the strongest voice of comprehensively strict governance of the party has been delivered with more shocking educational effects. During the education month, 43 warning education sessions were held, and 67 units organized more than 1800 party members, cadres and public officials to visit, study and receive education. The county took the rectification of cadres' style as an important starting point to promote the education month activity, printed and distributed the "Shufu County" Lying type Cadres "Identification and Treatment Measures (Trial), focused on lazy, lazy, casual, dragging, around and other unhealthy tendencies, continued to correct" Lying type "cadres, and promoted the change of cadres' style. In addition, the county's education system held a calligraphy and painting contest of "learning and implementing the integrity of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and accompanying us" to vigorously promote the clean and upright campus ecology and the clean and honest campus ethos.


On July 17, Kashgar District Song and Dance Troupe was preparing to publicize the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the theme evening party of the 25th party conduct and integrity education month. Photographed by Liu Lili

All counties and cities in Kashgar region should promote the construction of clean culture according to local conditions, build the brand of clean culture of "Clean Kashgar", carry out the construction of demonstration sites of clean culture construction, solidly promote the "six advances" activity of clean culture, constantly enrich forms and carriers, and enhance the appeal and appeal of education. In addition, while carrying out positive education and guidance, the Regional Commission for Discipline Inspection took the typical cases of discipline violations investigated and dealt with locally as the subject matter, shot and produced a series of warning educational films such as gambling, bribery, etc., compiled and printed the confessions of party members and cadres who violated disciplines and laws by classification and classification, and distributed them to the party organizations and leading cadres at all levels throughout the region as the compulsory content of the 25th Party style and clean government education month. Party organizations at all levels actively make good use of "living textbooks", carry out study and discussion, look into the mirror and learn from cases.

A series of learning, exchange and discussion, lively anti-corruption party classes, sub discipline knowledge tests, and anti-corruption cultural activities... The whole region responded to the call and played the strongest voice of "Breeze Kashgar" together.

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