The four departments issued a document pointing to the illegal fund-raising in the elderly care service field to protect the elderly's "money pockets"

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 30 (Reporter Gao Lei) Recently, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Civil Affairs that the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, the General Administration of Market Supervision and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission have issued documents to make institutional arrangements for the prevention and resolution of illegal fund-raising in normal elderly care institutions.

In recent years, some institutions and enterprises, in the name of "elderly care services" and "healthy elderly care", use "high interest and high return" as bait to illegally raise funds in the field of elderly care services, which seriously infringes the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of the elderly and destroys the healthy development order of elderly care services. To this end, the four departments issued the opinions on strengthening the prevention and resolution of illegal fund-raising in elderly care institutions, increased the prevention and resolution of illegal fund-raising in normal elderly care institutions, and protected the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly.

Opinions require that risk management should be strengthened. The civil affairs department should connect with the market supervision department, establish a sharing and exchange mechanism for the registration and filing information of elderly care institutions, grasp the increment in time through information capture, and make the situation clear and the bottom number clear. It is necessary to carry out inventory investigation on a regular basis, and conduct on-site inspection on the service safety and quality of the elderly care institutions at least once a year. If it is found in the investigation that the elderly care service activities are carried out in the name of the elderly care institutions without registration, it shall be handled in accordance with the law.

The opinion emphasized that we should strengthen source control. Elderly care institutions should standardize their internal management and sign service agreements according to law. The civil affairs department should develop a template for the disclosure of information on the quality of elderly care services, post publicity bulletins, make public reporting methods, publish information about elderly care institutions registered and filed according to law, and guide the elderly and their families to make rational choices.

The opinions were also clear, and they should be classified and handled according to law. The civil affairs department should comprehensively assess and study and judge the problems and hidden dangers found in the troubleshooting, incorporate them into the risk management and control level of "red, orange, yellow and green", and report the clues and handle them by category. We should strengthen credit supervision and take disciplinary measures in accordance with the law against elderly care institutions that are punished for illegal fund-raising.

[Editor in charge: Li Xiang]

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