The "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" Action Plan for Rural Greening and Beautifying was issued

Beijing, November 15 (Reporter Kou Jiangze) Recently, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the National Bureau of Rural Revitalization issued the Action Plan for Rural Landscaping and Beautifying during the 14th Five Year Plan Period (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan), which proposed that by 2025, the average village green coverage rate in China would reach 32%, and more than 1.5 billion trees would be planted on all sides of the countryside, Comprehensively consolidate and upgrade the national forest countryside, green a number of state-owned forest areas and state-owned forest farm settlements, and build a number of forest villages and green villages with local characteristics. The rural natural ecology has been comprehensively protected, the rural greening level has significantly improved, and the rural living environment has continued to improve.

The Action Plan puts forward a number of main tasks, including: protecting rural natural ecology, highlighting the protection of rural mountains, rural areas, rivers and lakes, wetlands, and native vegetation, and maintaining the authenticity and integrity of the rural natural ecosystem; Steadily increase the green quantity in rural areas, implement important ecosystem protection and restoration projects, coordinate the management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand systems, and scientifically restore forest and grass vegetation; Efforts should be made to improve the quality of greening, giving priority to the planting of native trees and grass seeds, and carefully using exotic trees and grass seeds to prevent the urbanization and extravagance of rural greening; Develop green industries for the benefit of the people, and fully tap the development potential of green industries in combination with rural greening.

[Editor in charge: Li Xiang]

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