[Piloting China] Digital publishing: integrated development is booming

2022-10-11 10:55:22 Source: Guangming Daily Editor in charge: Li Xiang

[Pilot China]

"Another step up, the next goal, 1 billion!" Not long ago, when Judian data open platform reached 500 million calls, Tong Lijun confidently set a new goal in the circle of friends. At this time, it is less than 2 years since the platform was launched.

Tong Lijun is the deputy editor in chief of Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House, the deputy director of Cihai Compilation Office, and the witness and participant of the birth of Judian. Whenever someone asks, he will take out his mobile phone to show the most classic application scenario of "Judiani": "When reading e-books and browsing news, it usually takes more than 30 seconds to query unknown Chinese characters and words, but now you can directly select the content and click to query, from the" Chinese Dictionary "," Big Dictionary "," English Chinese Dictionary " The definitions of authoritative reference books such as the Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine will be presented in 1 second. " Many people have already enjoyed this service unintentionally.

From 0 to 500 million times, from 30 seconds to 1 second; The success of "Judian", from the direct "copying" of the past to the integration of the "last mile"... lies not only in the progress of technology, but also in the change of concept. "Digital publishing is not simple digitalization, but digital transformation and upgrading, and integrated development." The process of Tong Lijun's transformation from traditional publishers to digital publishers also reflects the development and changes of China's digital publishing in the past decade.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the integrated development of the media, the policy deployment has guided the publishing industry to actively explore, the integrated development has gradually deepened, and the path has become clearer. In 2015, the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Integrated Development of Traditional and Emerging Publishing was issued, which boosted the pace of the publishing industry from digital transformation to integrated development, and accelerated the pace of integrated development from the phase of "plus" to the phase of "integration".

In the past ten years, the integrated development of the publishing industry has become a butterfly change of "you are me, I am you". The output value has been rising and the impact is increasing. Since the launch of the "Love Course" (MOOC of China University) of the Higher Education Press, it has 66 million registered users, 340 million students, 17000 courses, and more than 1400 colleges and universities; "Judian" has provided hundreds of millions of knowledge inspection services for more than 25 million readers, and the number of monthly active users has reached 5 million. Digital publishing has become an important part of people's cultural life.

The strengthening of copyright protection also provides a guarantee for the development of digital publishing. In recent years, "One Hundred Years of Solitude", "Catcher in the Rye" and other works have been authorized in Chinese simplified electronic version, which is particularly eye-catching. "The authorization of the simplified Chinese electronic version of" One Hundred Years of Solitude "is of great significance. Now we can get the authorization, which depends on the continuous improvement of the copyright environment in China." Wu Ben, director of copyright of Palm Reader, said that with the increasingly sound digital copyright protection mechanism, the copyright awareness of the whole industry continues to strengthen, the user's awareness of copyright consumption gradually increases, and the value of digital copyright becomes increasingly prominent.

In April this year, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee for the first time issued the policy document "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Deeply Integrated Development of Publishing" in the field of integrated development of publishing, making a comprehensive deployment of the goal, direction, path and measures of integrated development of publishing in the future. Wu Ben believes that the Opinion is of great significance, reflecting the improvement of the top-level design of digital publishing, clarifying the direction for the development of the industry and encouraging morale.

Subsequently, the selection results of the two sub plans prioritized in the 2022 publication integration development project were announced, and 11 projects, including the "Judian Data Open Platform", the Love Course (MOOC of University of China) platform, and the handheld iReader digital reading platform, were selected into the digital publishing high-quality platform selection recommendation plan. The selected projects reflect the new progress and achievements of the integrated development of publishing in China, and play an incentive role for the sustained and rapid development of the industry.

The Annual Report on China's Digital Publishing Industry from 2020 to 2021 shows that in 2020, the annual industrial income of China's digital publishing industry will exceed one trillion yuan, reaching 1178.167 billion yuan, an increase of about 11 times over 10 years ago. In the future, digital publishing will play an increasingly important role in building a digital China, a network power and a new engine of the digital economy.

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