Zhang Sizu, a Border Police: It's bittersweet to give up studying Bo and guarding the border for ten years

On June 13, 2021, Zhang Sizu, instructor of the Aligarh Border Management Brigade of the Tibet Autonomous Region, read in his office. Photographed by Ran Wenjuan

Alibaba, China News Network, June 15, by wire: Zhang Sizu, a border policeman: It's hard and sweet to give up studying Bo and guarding the border for ten years

Ran Wenjuan, reporter of China News Network

Mingming was admitted to Nanjing University as a doctoral student, but he volunteered to guard the border in the Tibet Autonomous Region. Zhang Sizu, the current instructor of the border management team in Aligarh, Tibet, did not show any remorse when reviewing the choice made ten years ago to reporters of China News Agency.

Scientific research is the natural direction of this young man's life. During his master's degree, Zhang Sizu was engaged in research on soil erosion and desertification control. In 2011, he got a ticket to go to Nanjing University for further study. However, "the military complex engraved in his heart since childhood" made him reluctant to part with it. At that time, the former Tibet Border Guard Corps of the Armed Police recruited police college students, and Zhang Sizu wore military uniforms as he wished.

The picture shows Zhang Sizu, instructor of the Aligarh Border Management Brigade of the Tibet Autonomous Region, in his office on June 13, 2021. Photographed by Ran Wenjuan

To become a soldier on the Tibetan border, it is standard to bear hardships. The starting point of Zhang Sizu's border defense life was at the Maquanhe Border Checkpoint in Zhongba County, Shigatse, 4700 meters above sea level. When he first arrived, he caught up with the continuous snowstorm. When on duty, he lives in a tent. When he sleeps at night, he always puts an emergency stick beside him and pokes at the top of the tent from time to time, otherwise the accumulated snow may collapse the tent.

The natural environment is difficult, and the border defense work is often accompanied by danger. Zhang Sizu recalled to reporters a rescue mission in Nyalamtongla Mountain in 2013. At that time, the Tongla Mountain, 5238 meters above sea level, suddenly fell heavy snow, and 67 people were trapped in 13 vehicles on the top of the mountain. Zhang Sizu, who was then the head of Menbu Border Police Station in Nyalam County, went to the rescue in the early morning.

The road has been deeply buried by the blizzard, so you can only go up the mountain on foot after driving to the foot of the mountain. About 3 kilometers up the mountain, the snow slowly went from ankle to thigh. Zhang Sizu climbed against the wind and snow for more than 3 hours to the top of the mountain. The vehicle was covered with snow. He took a stick to explore in the snow and started digging when he met hard objects. At 4 a.m., Zhang Sizu found the trapped people. In order to prevent people from falling behind, he tied them one by one with a scarf and belt and sent them to the nearest Taoist class. Until 7 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Sizu and his comrades in arms rescued all the trapped people. At this time, Zhang Sizu's camouflage coat had frozen into a hard lump and could stand up when he took it off, but he "didn't know it was cold" at that time.

On June 1, 2020, the Domar border police station and the resident primary school carried out joint construction activities, and Zhang Sizu sent gifts to students. Photograph provided by respondents

It is common for Zhang Sizu to go to the police in the middle of the night. The daily work of border management is not trivial. The daily patrol on the border defense line, search and rescue the trapped people, help farmers and herdsmen find the lost cattle and sheep... As long as you receive a phone call, you must immediately rush to the scene to deal with the police situation as far as possible.

Of course, the life of defending the border is also sweet. Zhang Sizu remembered that after successfully saving the masses at the top of Tongla Mountain, a tourist called him "hero"; In a traffic accident rescue, drivers of passing vehicles sent drinks to him one after another when he took a rest at the roadside after handling the scene, which was a silent tribute; Thanks from strangers on mobile phones from time to time; In addition, in the years of guarding the border, I have the feeling of living and dying together with my "brothers"

Zhang Sizu worked in Zhongba, Jilong and Nyalam in Shigatse, and in 2017 he was transferred to Ritu County, Ali. After ten years of guarding the border and stepping on the snow and lying on the ice, Zhang Sizu knew the border area very well. Now, although his daily work is far from his original major, his "learning bully" attribute remains unchanged. As an immigration management policeman, his desk is full of books on diplomacy, immigration, international law and law enforcement. Once I am free, I will study hard. There is no time to "lie flat". In his view, all border management work can better serve the masses and rally people's hearts only if they learn it thoroughly.

"I used to waver in such a tough place as Ali, but now I'm proud of my identity." Zhang Sizu said that generations of border guards have spent their youth on the snow covered plateau and carved their loyalty on this land, and they will live up to their mission. (End)

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