Shanghai Forestry Station carried out wetland healthy water ecology research and held a symposium _ Finance Online
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Shanghai General Forestry Station carried out investigation and discussion on healthy water ecology of wetlands

Shanghai Qingxi Country Park, located in the "ecological green heart" of the Yangtze River Delta, is the intersection of two vertical and horizontal blue development corridors in the Yangtze River Delta in the "Overall Land and Space Plan for Ecological Green Development Demonstration Area" (2019-2035). It has an important geographical location and abundant freshwater resources. There are about 100 mu of aquaculture pond water in the park.

Recently, Shanghai General Forestry Station went to Qingxi Country Park to carry out research on healthy water ecology of wetlands and held a seminar. This paper mainly discusses how to solve the problems of eutrophication and low biodiversity of aquaculture ponds, and how to give play to the influence of ecological regions and improve the citizens' sense of experience.

The meeting pointed out that at present, the water quality of aquaculture ponds is eutrophic, the wetland habitat is single, and the ecological function cannot be shown, which is not conducive to the stability and self balance of the regional ecosystem, and it is difficult to play the ecological functions of wetland water purification, biodiversity maintenance, water conservation and other ecological functions.

On the basis of comprehensive analysis of the actual situation, the research team proposed that biodiversity should be improved by protecting and restoring wetland water conservation, reconstructing ecological wetlands to play the role of ecosystem services, planting more native wetland vegetation and other ways to achieve the characteristics of Jiangnan water town; The knowledge of ecological water management and wildlife should be displayed to the public through science popularization and education, so as to increase the sense of experience of the public and enhance the public's awareness of wetland protection. In addition, the research team also discussed the protection of freshwater resources and technical measures for wetland ecological restoration in the city.

label: Shanghai Forestry Station Wetland health Water ecology research Shanghai Qingxi Country Park

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