Meet in Guangdong Feiyuyue Moments 2022 Guangdong Migratory Bird Protection Action Officially Launched_Financial Online
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Meet in Guangdong Flying Feather Moment 2022 Guangdong Migratory Bird Protection Action Officially Launched

Recently, the 2022 Guangdong Migratory Bird Protection Action Launching Ceremony was held in Zhaoqing Xinghu National Wetland Park. This activity was held for the first time in 2019 and has entered its fourth year. The number of participants has gradually increased and the scope of influence has continued to expand. It has developed into a brand activity for protecting migratory birds that is widely carried out in the province.

The event was co sponsored by the Guangdong Provincial Forestry Bureau and the Commissioner's Office of the State Forestry and Grass Administration in Guangzhou. With the theme of "Meeting in Guangdong, Flying Feathers and Joying Moments", representatives from six bird watching associations and nature observation associations in Guangdong Province, bird watching enthusiasts and people from all walks of life were invited to participate. The proposal for bird protection was read out at the event site, flags were given to bird protection groups and volunteers in Guangdong Province, and bird watching associations and nature observation associations in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Zhanjiang, Maoming and other cities and cities were united to carry out the "one hour bird watching" activity for tourists, advocating that the general public should constantly improve their awareness of wildlife protection and actively participate in the migration and protection of migratory birds.

At present, a new round of migratory bird season has arrived. In the middle of October, the first batch of black faced spoonbills of this year has arrived in Shenzhen, and more than 20 kinds of migratory birds, including black tailed godcocks, red legged snipes, black winged stilts, golden plovers, white browed ducks, green winged ducks, and crested diving ducks, have successively arrived in Shenzhen, totaling more than 1000. In addition, Zhanjiang, Shaoguan, Meizhou and other places also ushered in the peak migration of migratory birds, including some rare birds. According to statistics, there are 584 species of wild birds and nearly 400 species of migratory birds recorded in Guangdong, including rare and endangered birds such as black faced spoonbill, Chinese merganser, spoon billed snipe, mandarin duck, green headed diving duck, small green legged snipe, etc.

As an important place for migratory birds to migrate and hibernate in the world, Guangdong continues to promote the protection of wild bird resources, adhere to multiple measures, actively build a regional biodiversity protection system, give full play to the system of joint meetings between departments at the provincial and municipal levels to combat illegal trade in wild animals and plants, and strictly implement the five-year ban on wild bird hunting, We organized the construction of waterfowl ecological corridors in the Pearl River Delta, strengthened the protection of important bird areas, important wetlands, nature reserves and other habitats in Nanling, Pearl River Delta, Rongjiang River estuary, and formed a complete network of migratory birds and their habitat protection. In the migration season of migratory birds, Guangdong has also increased the protection and restoration of important nodes in the migration routes of migratory birds in the province, and actively built migration stations for migratory birds. The population of wild birds has gradually recovered and increased. The beautiful picture of "sunset and wild ducks fly together, and autumn waters grow together in the sky" has been constantly performed in southern Guangdong.

In the next step, Guangdong will continue to strengthen the patrol of breeding grounds for migratory birds, stopover areas for migratory birds, migratory passages and other areas for wildlife cluster activities, organize and carry out various publicity activities for bird protection, increase law enforcement and supervision, crack down on all kinds of illegal and criminal acts that damage wildlife resources, and better promote the harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature, and jointly build a beautiful ecological home!

label: Meet in Guangdong Flying Feather Pleasant Moment 2022 Guangdong Migratory Birds Flight protection operation Zhaoqing Xinghu National Wetland Park

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