With the pursuit of perfection, Qinghualang's scarcity is increasing, and its future value space is expectable _ financial online
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With the pursuit of perfection, Qinghualang is increasingly scarce and its future value space is promising

When we talk about Qinghualang, what are we talking about? It may be quality, flavor or beauty. These are just different aspects of Qinghualang's classic and value.

Millennium brewing technology, excellent quality genes, and the solid support of Langjiu Manor For 22 years since its official launch in 2000, Qinghualang has never been unchangeable, but has been rising with the development of Langjiumu brand.

In particular, in March this year, Langjiu released the industry's first enterprise internal control standard, "Langjiu Maotai Flavored Liquor Production Enterprise Standard", which gives clear hard targets for all aspects of soy sauce wine brewing. The Internal Control Code covers six chapters of "production area location, workshop standards, raw material standards, brewing techniques, product standards, and production and marketing principles". It is a scientific expression of Langjiu on the whole industrial chain of soy sauce wine from raw materials, brewing, storage, screening, blending, production, and sales.

This is a very important thing for Qinghualang, all Langjiu sauce and wine products, and even for the industry——

As the leading brand of liquor, Langjiu strengthens the internal quality constraints of the enterprise in this way, which is bound to lead the whole industry into the era of self-discipline;

At the same time, through this Internal Control Code, which is far higher than the national and industrial standards, consumers can more clearly perceive the high-end quality of Langjiu, and it will also become an important reference for consumers to choose Langjiu;

For Qinghualang, the sauce wine product of Langjiu's leader, the more stringent the Internal Control Code is, the more obvious the inherent competitive advantage of Qinghualang will be. "Born in Chishui River, grown in Tianbao Peak, raised in pottery jar warehouse, and hidden in Tianbao Cave", Qinghualang follows the "12987" process for a production cycle of up to one year, and the Internal Control Code clearly stipulates that Qinghualangji liquor should be stored for more than 7 years, and Langjiu liquor should be sold under the control of "one out of ten sales not exceeding one tenth of the reserves" in the next few years. The superposition of multiple factors, Make the scarcity of Qinghualang stronger.

In fact, Langjiu has always adhered to the concept of self-discipline and standardization with higher standards and stricter requirements, pursuit of ultimate quality and polishing of products.

For example, Wang Junlin, chairman of Langjiu, once said, "Langjiu has never given up expanding its production in 20 years." Even in the low ebb of the industry, Langjiu has not stopped improving its production capacity and energy storage, in order to have more high-quality base liquor and continuously improve the storage time of its soy sauce liquor products;

There is also Langjiu Manor, which is well-known to the industry and consumers. Since 2008, Langjiu has spent more than ten years to build Langjiu Manor. With the brewing system of "growth and preservation", Langjiu has explained the production of high-quality soy sauce wine in detail, and used the definition of "manor soy sauce wine" to benchmark world-class wine.

Enough production capacity, enough patience, and enough storage hardware strength can make the storage time of the first wolf product Qinghualang as long as seven years now, even more than the storage time of five years in Moutai.

Of course, the continuous improvement of product quality and scarcity has also made Langjiu products more popular in the market. As early as a few years ago, Qinghualang has become a promising potential product in the industry. At the old wine auction in the industry, industry insiders predicted that Qinghualang is still in a low value area, but with the improvement of Langjiu's quality and brand potential, The value space of Qinghualang will soon be seen by the public, and the return of product value will continue to accelerate.

Today, as the quality of Qinghualang is getting higher and higher, the recognition of consumers is also increasing, and its market position in the thousand yuan price belt is becoming increasingly stable, which has also built an irreplaceable competitive advantage.

"The purpose of Langjiu to issue 'product guidelines' is to let Langjiu people shoulder the quality responsibility". This internal control guideline is Langjiu people's hard constraint on product quality, is Langjiu people's guideline of adhering to the quality principle and long-term principle, and is the "law" of maintaining the stability of Langjiu's business.

More importantly, with the implementation of the Internal Control Code, Langjiu insists on slow sales, which is bound to continue its strong control over the market launch, further release the scarcity of Qinghualang and Langjiu, and in the future, its product value will also jump to a higher stage.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.


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