Ministry of Commerce: The international "circle of friends" of China's digital economy is expanding constantly _ Financial Online
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Ministry of Commerce: The international "circle of friends" of China's digital economy continues to expand

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Beijing, September 7 (Reporter Ma Changyan) Today, He Yadong, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, said at a regular press conference that China has signed memorandums of cooperation on digital economy investment with 18 countries, and a number of digital enterprises have successfully gone to sea. At present, 10 of the 21 free trade agreements signed by China have set up a special chapter on e-commerce or digital economy, and the international "circle of friends" of digital economy is expanding.

In recent years, China has vigorously developed digital trade. The Ministry of Commerce promoted the introduction of policies and measures to promote the reform, innovation and development of digital trade, strengthened and optimized the national digital service export base, promoted the establishment of the Digital Trade Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Commerce, strengthened international cooperation in digital trade, and signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of digital trade with the economic and trade departments of the five Central Asian countries.

According to the data, in 2022, China's imports and exports of services that can be digitally delivered will reach 372.7 billion US dollars, up 3.4% year on year, ranking fifth in the world.

He Yadong introduced that China continues to accelerate the digital transformation of domestic trade circulation: 170 national e-commerce demonstration bases have been established; Vigorously develop rural e-commerce, and deeply promote the development of agriculture through digital commerce; Actively promote online consumption, and the national online retail sales of physical goods account for more than 26% of the total retail sales of consumer goods.

"The proportion of cross-border e-commerce in total foreign trade will increase from less than 1% in 2015 to 5% in 2022." He Yadong said that China has constantly improved the digital level of trade and investment, revised the digital economy related content in the negative list of foreign investment access for many times, and promoted conditional pilot free trade zones to take the lead in connecting with international high standard digital economy rules.

In addition, in terms of promoting international cooperation and rule making in the digital field, China has actively expanded and deepened "Silk Road E-commerce" cooperation, and has established bilateral e-commerce cooperation mechanisms with 29 countries.

As the only national, international and professional exhibition with digital trade as the theme in China, the Global Digital Trade Fair is a powerful starting point to promote the reform, innovation and development of digital trade. It is reported that the 2nd Global Digital Trade Expo will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province from November 23 to 27.


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